Walker Line Land

  • Entry Number Page Name Assignee of Acres Warrant Number Water Course Date Notes Survey Book Page Number

  • 65 25 "Allen, William" 32 217 on the waters of Buzzard Creek a branch of Red River 10 December 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres

  • 20 8 "Allen, William" 120 217 on the waters of Red River 12 September 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres

  • 105 37 "Allen, William" 30 217 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 14 October 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres

  • 106 37 "Allen, William" 125 217 14 October 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres

  • 66 25 "Allen, William" 200 217 on the waters of the Red River 15 December 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres 48

  • 25 10 "Allen, William" 125 217 15 October 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres; dead

  • 26 10 "Allen, William" 30 217 on the waters of Sulphur Fork of the Red River 15 October 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres; dead

  • 71 27 "Allen, William" 125 217 17 January 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 72 27 "Allen, William" 30 217 on the waters of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 17 January 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres; withdrawn

      • "Allen, William" 22.5 217 on the waters of Little Buzzard a branch of Red River 2 February 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres 33 to 34

  • 141 53 "Allen, William" 50 217 25 August 1830 original warrant for 497.5 acres; for the benefit of George Townsend

  • 111 39 "Allen, William" "Frazier, Levi" 40 217 on the waters of Buzzard Creek a branch of Red River 25 January 1827 original warrant for 497.5 acres

  • 27 10 to 11 "Allen, William" 102 217 26 October 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 28 11 "Allen, William" 20 217 the west bank of the Red River 27 October 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 53 20 "Allen, William" 161.5 217 on the waters of Red River 28 November 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 30 12 "Allen, William" 30 217 on the head waters of Buzzard Creek 31 October 1825 original warrant for 497.5 acres; dead 33

  • 86 31 "Allen, William" 125 217 8 April 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 87 31 "Allen, William" 30 217 on the waters of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 8 April 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 100 35 to 36 "Allen, William" 125 217 8 July 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres; dead

  • 101 36 "Allen, William" 30 217 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 8 July 1826 original warrant for 497.5 acres; dead

  • 112 39 "Allen, William" 125 219 25 January 1827 original warrant for 145 acres

  • 113 39 to 40 "Allen, William" 30 219 on the waters of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 25 January 1827 original warrant for 145 acres

  • 138 50 "Allen, William" 145 220 11 May 1830 original warrant for 145 acres; for the benefit of George Townsend; withdrawn

  • 138 51 "Allen, William" "Frazier, Levi" 130 220 on the waters of Red River 11 May 1830 original warrant for 145 acres 70 to 71

  • 139 51 "Allen, William" "Frazier, Levi" 15 220 on the waters of Red River 21 May 1830 original warrant for 145 acres; withdrawn

  • 140 52 to 53 "Allen, William" "Frazier, Levi" 15 220 on the waters of Red River 25 August 1830 original warrant for 145 acres

  • 67 25 to 26 "Allen, William" 195.5 217 & 220 on the waters of Red River 15 December 1825 original warrant no. 217 for 497.5 acres; original warrant no. 220 acres not given 32

  • 139 52 "Allen, William" 65 217 & 220 on the waters of Red River 27 May 1830 original warrant no. 217 for 497.5 acres; original warrant no. 220 for 145 acres

  • 38 15 "Allen, William" 41.5 not given on the waters of Buzzard Creek 1 November 1825 withdrawn

  • 39 15 "Allen, William" 50 not given 1 November 1825 withdrawn

  • 29 11 "Allen, William" "Frazier, Levi" 100 not given 31 October 1825 original warrant for 145 acres; withdrawn

  • 257 93 "Ayers, Washington W." 6 not given on the waters of Red River 24 November 1875 original warrant for 6 acres; recorded Book T page 161 160

  • 12 5 "Babb, Jesse " "Long, William C." 10 128 12 August 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 2

  • 5 2 to 3 "Bailey, John" 20 115 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 8 July 1825 original warrant for 50 acres 8 to 9

  • 6 3 "Bailey, John" 14 115 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 8 July 1825 original warrant for 50 acres 8

  • 97 34 "Bailey, John" "Wilson, Hiero T." 64 279 on the waters of Red River 22 June 1826 original warrant for 525 acres

  • 114 40 "Bailey, John" "Wilson, H. T." 64 279 on the waters of Red River 25 January 1827 original warrant for 525 acres

  • 110 38 to 39 "Bailey, John" "Wilson, Hiero T." 64 279 28 October 1826 original warrant for 525 acres

      • "Bailey, John " 16 115 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 21 October 1825 original warrant for 50 acres 10 to 11

  • 154 58 to 59 "Baird, Thomas" "Wilson, H. T." 1 496 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 8 June 1831 original warrant for 250 acres

  • 155 59 "Baird, Thomas " "Wilson, Hiero T." 46 496 on the Middle Fork of Red River 23 May 1831 original warrant for 250 acres

      • "Baird, Thomas " "Wilson, Hiero T." 40 496 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 28 July 1831 original warrant for 250 acres 79

  • 153 58 "Baird, Thomas " "Wilson, H. T." 15 496 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 8 June 1831 original warrant for 250 acres 79 to 80

  • 73 27 "Baldry, William S." "Wilson, Samuel" 25 248 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 31 January 1826 original warrant for 100 acres 39 to 40

  • 74 27 to 28 "Baldry, William S." "Wilson, Samuel" 67 248 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 31 January 1826 original warrant for 100 acres 39

  • 179 69 "Binkley, David" 170 500 on the waters of Red River March 1838 original warrant for 800 acres; entered in the name of Bartley Pitts assignee of Richard Washington; withdrawn

  • 180 69 "Binkley, David" "Darden, David" 30 593 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 31 March 1838 "original warrant for 30 acres; entered in the name of David, Darden" 114

  • 256 93 "Braden, D. P." 50 604 19 September 1857 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

      • "Brakefield, George" "Smith, Jacob" 58 233 on the waters of Red River 21 November 1825 original warrant for 110 acres 16 to 17

  • 45 17 to 18 "Browning, Nimrod" "Wilson, Samuel" 18 235 on the Spring Fork a branch of the Sulphur Fork of the Red River 11 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 13

  • 56 21 "Claton, Beverly W." "Wilson, Hiero T." 100 242 on the waters of Red River 29 November 1825 original warrant for 200 acres; withdrawn 44 to 45

  • 79 29 "Clayton, Beverly W." "Wilson, Hiero T." 100 242 on the waters of Red River 28 February 1826 original warrant for 200 acres 43 to 44

  • 255 92 "Clayton, Lambert S." 150 604 17 September 1857 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 131 47 "Conrad, Goerge C." "Gorham, William B., assignee of H. T. Wilson" 300 413 on the waters of Sturgeons Creek a branch of Red River 3 September 1829 original warrant for 300 acres 62

  • 131 47 "Conrad, William C." "Gorham, William B., assignee of H. T. Wilson" 300 413 on the waters of Sturgeons Creek a branch of Red River 3 September 1829 original warrant for 300 acres 62

  • 129 46 "Conrad, William C." 190 445 on the waters of Sturgeons Creek a branch of Red River 25 July 1829 original warrant for 190 acres

  • 128 45 "Conrad, William C." 190 445 on the waters of Sturgeons Creek a branch of Red River 26 May 1829 original warrant for 190 acres; withdrawn 64

  • 169 65 "Conrad, William C." 50 503 1 November 1832 original warrant for 50 acres 86

  • 167 64 "Conrad, William C." 50 503 9 July 1832 original warrant for 50 acres 86

  • 184 70 to 71 County of Logan 180 597 on the Middle Fork of Red River 27 July 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres 106

  • 186 71 County of Logan 80 597 27 July 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres 106

  • 187 72 County of Logan 388 597 on the Middle Fork of Red River 27 July 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres 104 to 105

  • 188 72 County of Logan 200 597 on the Middle Fork of Red River 27 July 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres

  • 189 72 County of Logan 274 597 on the waters of Red River 27 July 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres 107

  • 192 73 County of Logan 16 598 1 December 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres

      • County of Logan 145 598 on the Middle Fork of Red River 13 November 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres 108

      • County of Logan 145 598 on the Middle Fork of Red River 13 November 1838 original warrant for 1000 acres 108

  • 194 74 County of Logan 210 598 on the waters of Red River January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 109 to 110

  • 195 74 County of Logan 30 598 on the Middle Fork of Red River January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 110

  • 196 74 County of Logan 260 598 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 111 to 112

  • 197 74 County of Logan 180 598 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 110 to 111

      • County of Logan 236 599 on Spring Creek a branch of Red River 15 February 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 115 to 116

      • County of Logan 136 599 on the north fork of Red River 24 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 116 to 117

      • County of Logan 315 599 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 6 March 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 113 to 114

      • County of Logan 72 599 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 8 March 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 115

      • County of Logan 12 600 on the Middle Fork of Red River 13 August 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 127

      • County of Logan 15 600 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 14 February 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 121 to 122

  • 200 75 County of Logan 10 600 15 February 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres

  • 201 75 County of Logan 300 600 on the waters of Red River 15 February 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres

      • County of Logan 3 600 on the waters of Red River 17 April 1840 original warrant for 1000 acres 128

      • County of Logan 9 600 17 April 1840 original warrant for 1000 acres 128

      • County of Logan 16 600 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 18 February 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 122

      • County of Logan 19 600 18 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 119 to 120

      • County of Logan 75 600 on the waters of Buzzards Creek 19 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 124

      • County of Logan 20 600 on Buzzards Creek a branch of Red River 19 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 125

      • County of Logan 45 600 on the Middle Fork of Red River 20 May 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 127

      • County of Logan 25 600 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 21 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 123

      • County of Logan 8 600 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 22 February 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 121

      • County of Logan 6.5 600 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 22 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 125

      • County of Logan 38 600 on the Middle Fork of Red River 23 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 118 to 119

      • County of Logan 4 600 on the waters of Red River 23 February 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 123

      • County of Logan 55 600 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 24 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 120 to 121

      • County of Logan 33 600 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 26 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 119

      • County of Logan 33 600 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 26 January 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 124

      • County of Logan 74 600 on the Middle Fork of Red River 27 August 1840 original warrant for 1000 acres 129

      • County of Logan 23 600 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 27 August 1840 original warrant for 1000 acres 129

      • County of Logan 13.5 600 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 29 June 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 126

      • County of Logan 90 600 on the waters of Red River 6 November 1840 original warrant for 1000 acres 130

      • County of Logan 7.5 600 on the waters of Red River 7 March 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 122 to 123

      • County of Logan 70 600 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 7 May 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 126

      • County of Logan 9 1/5 600 on the waters of Red River 7 May 1841 original warrant for 1000 acres 131

      • County of Logan 30 600 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 8 March 1839 original warrant for 1000 acres 120

      • County of Logan 18 601 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 1 February 1842 original warrant for 1000 acres 133

      • County of Logan 54 601 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 1 February 1842 original warrant for 1000 acres 133 to 134

      • County of Logan 100 601 on the waters of Red River 13 October 1842 original warrant for 1000 acres 134

      • County of Logan 1 1/8 601 on the waters of Red River 13 October 1842 original warrant for 1000 acres 134 to 135

  • 208 78 County of Logan 50 601 15 March 1846 original warrant for 1000 acres

  • 209 78 County of Logan 8 601 on the waters of Red River 15 March 1846 original warrant for 1000 acres 143 to 144

  • 206 77 County of Logan 0.5 601 on the waters of Red River 17 September 1847 original warrant for 1000 acres 146

  • 202 76 County of Logan 47 601 on the waters of Red River 18 November 1844 original warrant for 1000 acres 139

  • 207 77 to 78 County of Logan 10 601 2 March 1846 original warrant for 1000 acres 142

      • County of Logan 20 601 on the waters of Red River 2 May 1844 original warrant for 1000 acres 139

      • County of Logan 38 601 on the waters of Red River 20 April 1846 original warrant for 1000 acres 142 to 143

  • 210 78 County of Logan 13 601 on the waters of Red River 20 April 1846 original warrant for 1000 acres 144

  • 211 79 County of Logan 6 601 on the waters of Red River 21 April 1846 original warrant for 1000 acres 145

      • County of Logan 190 601 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 22 December 1841 original warrant for 1000 acres 131 to 132

      • County of Logan 150 601 on Spring Creek a branch of Red River 22 December 1842 original warrant for 1000 acres 136

  • 203 76 County of Logan 20 601 on the waters of Red River 23 January 1845 original warrant for 1000 acres 140

  • 212 79 County of Logan 10 601 on the waters of Red River 27 March 1847 original warrant for 1000 acres

      • County of Logan 48 601 on the waters of Red River 3 April 1844 original warrant for 1000 acres 138

      • County of Logan 8 601 on the waters of Red River 4 November 1843 original warrant for 1000 acres 137

  • 205 77 County of Logan 105 601 on the waters of Red River 5 June 1845 original warrant for 1000 acres 141

      • County of Logan 33 601 on the waters of Red River 5 November 1843 original warrant for 1000 acres 137

      • County of Logan 13 601 on the waters of Red River 5 November 1843 original warrant for 1000 acres 138

  • 204 76 County of Logan 128 601 on the waters of Red River 6 February 1854 original warrant for 1000 acres 140 to 141

      • County of Logan 21 601 on the waters of Red River 7 January 1842 original warrant for 1000 acres 132

      • County of Logan 6 601 on the waters of Red River 9 April 1847 original warrant for 1000 acres 145 to 146

      • County of Logan 7 604 on the waters of Red River 10 January 1851 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 157

  • 218 81 County of Logan 20 604 on the waters of Red River 10 May 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 235 87 County of Logan 10 604 on the waters of Red River 10 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 217 81 County of Logan 34 604 on the waters of Red River 12 February 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 149

  • 226 83 to 84 County of Logan 500 604 on the waters of Red River 12 November 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 240 88 County of Logan 1400 604 on the Middle Fork of Red River 13 August 1851 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 239 88 County of Logan 2 604 on the Middle Fork of Red River 14 August 1851 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 160

  • 221 82 County of Logan 20 604 15 March 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 149

  • 222 82 County of Logan 10 604 on the waters of Red River 15 March 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 151

  • 236 87 County of Logan 10 604 15 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 156

  • 241 89 County of Logan 7 604 on the Middle Fork of Red River 16 May 1852 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 238 87 to 88 County of Logan 60 604 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 17 February 1851 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 227 84 County of Logan 150 604 on the waters of Red River 17 November 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

      • County of Logan 40 604 on the Sulpher Fork of Red River 19 February 1851 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 159

  • 215 80 to 81 County of Logan 40 604 on the waters of Red River 2 February 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 223 83 County of Logan 50 604 20 March 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 244 89 to 90 County of Logan 20 604 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 22 December 1853 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 214 80 County of Logan 20 604 on the waters of Red River 24 January 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 147

      • County of Logan 3 604 26 April 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 150

      • County of Logan 45 604 on the waters of Red River 27 April 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 150

      • County of Logan 4 604 on the waters of Red River 27 April 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 151

  • 237 87 County of Logan 4 604 27 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 158 to 159

  • 228 84 County of Logan 20 604 on the waters of Red River 28 December 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 229 85 County of Logan 20 604 28 December 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

      • County of Logan 24 604 on the waters of Red River 3 April 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 148

      • County of Logan 14 604 on the waters of Red River 4 April 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 148

  • 219 82 County of Logan 50 604 on the waters of Red River 4 March 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 220 82 County of Logan 3 604 4 March 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 150

  • 225 83 County of Logan 150 604 on the waters of Red River 4 May 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 242 89 County of Logan 6 604 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 4 November 1853 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 243 89 County of Logan 6 604 5 December 1853 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 230 85 County of Logan 5 604 5 January 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 224 83 County of Logan 6 604 on the waters of Red River 6 April 1849 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 232 86 County of Logan 30 604 on the waters of Red River 6 February 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 233 86 County of Logan 30 604 on the waters of Red River 6 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 154 to 155

      • County of Logan 87 604 6 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 153 to 154

      • County of Logan 16 604 on the waters of Red River 6 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 154

  • 216 81 County of Logan 30 604 on the waters of Red River 7 February 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 213 80 County of Logan 30 604 7 January 1848 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 147

  • 231 85 County of Logan 500 604 7 January 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres"

  • 234 86 County of Logan 100 604 7 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 152 to 153

      • County of Logan 2.5 604 on the waters of Red River 8 November 1850 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 155

      • County of Logan 5 604 9 January 1851 "original warrant for 180,000 acres" 156 to 157

  • 191 73 County of Logan 100 597 & 598 on the waters of Red River 20 November 1838 original warrant no. 597 for 1000 acres; original warrant no. 598 for 1000 acres 107

  • 190 73 County of Logan 1000 597 & 598 July 1838 original warrant no. 597 for 1000 acres; original warrant no. 598 for 1000 acres

  • 198 75 County of Logan 216 598 & 599 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 15 February 1839 original warrant no. 598 for 1000 acres; original warrant no. 599 for 1000 acres 112 to 113

  • 199 75 County of Logan 1000 599 & 600 15 February 1839 original warrant no. 599 for 1000 acres; original warrant no. 600 for 1000 acres

      • County of Logan 190 599 & 600 on Spring Creek a branch of Red River 21 February 1839 original warrant no. 599 for 1000 acres; original warrant no. 600 for 1000 acres 117 to 118

  • 248 90 to 91 County of Logan 43 not given north side of the waters of Red River 10 August 1854

  • 250 91 County of Logan 3 not given on the waters of Buzzards Creek a fork of Red River 10 July 1855

      • County of Logan 9 1/8 not given 12 March 1877 161

  • 252 91 County of Logan 50 not given 16 July 1856

  • 245 90 County of Logan 100 not given on the waters of Red River 21 December 1853

  • 253 91 to 92 County of Logan 168 not given on the waters of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 26 December 1855

  • 246 90 County of Logan 32.5 not given on the waters of Red River 29 December 1853

  • 251 91 County of Logan 2 not given on the waters of Buzzard Creek a fork of Red River 5 March 1856

  • 247 90 County of Logan 10 not given on the waters of Buzzard Creek a branch of Red River 7 January 1854

  • 249 91 County of Logan 5 not given on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River

  • 254 92 County of Logan 53 on the waters of Bever Dam a branch of Sulpher Fork of Red River "located for the heirs of Jas. Walton, dec'd"

  • 51 20 "Easley, Plesant" "Wilson, Samuel" 7 227 on the waters of Buzzards Creek 22 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 13 to 14

  • 52 20 "Easley, Plesant" "Wilson, Hiero T." 13 238 on the waters of Buzzards Creek 24 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 19 to 20

  • 31 12 "Edwards, John" "Wilson, Samuel" 100 225 on some of the head waters of Buzzard Creek 1 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 12 to 13

  • 32 12 to 13 "Edwards, John" "Wilson, Samuel" 32 226 on the ridge between Buzzard Creek and Spring Creek of Sulphur Fork of Red River 1 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 11 to 12

  • 182 70 "Fisher, Anthony" 50 not given on the waters of Red River April 1838 withdrawn and re-entered

  • 77 28 to 29 "Fraizer, Levi" 100 not given 24 February 1826

  • 10 4 "Frazer, Levi" 100 127 waters of Red River 2 August 1825 original warrant for 195 acres; Withdrawn

  • 22 9 "Frazier, Levi" 100 127 on the waters of Red River 8 October 1825 original warrant for 195 acres 31

  • 36 14 to 15 "Frazier, Levi" 100 219 on the waters of Red River 1 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres; withdrawn

  • 37 15 "Frazier, Levi" 100 not given between Buzzards Creek and Sulphur Fork of Red River 1 November 1825 withdrawn

  • 54 20 to 21 "Frazier, Levi" 100 not given on the waters of Red River 29 November 1825 withdrawn

  • 146 55 "Gloster, Thomas heirs" "Nelson, William B." 640 483 on the south side of Red River 13 December 1830 original warrant for 640 acres

  • 118 41 to 42 "Gorham, William B." "Wilson, Hiero T." 300 413 on the waters of Red River 4 March 1828 original warrant for 300 acres

  • 121 42 to 43 "Gortney, William " 100 412 on the waters of Beaver Creek a branch of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 13 March 1828 original warrant for 100 acres 54 to 55

  • 116 40 to 41 "Gunn, Alexander" 20 218 on Buzzards Creek a branch of Red River 23 Novmeber 1827 original warrant for 97.5 acres

  • 93 33 "Gunn, Alexander" 37.5 218 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 24 May 1826 original warrant for 97.5 acres

  • 94 33 "Gunn, Alexander" 60 218 on the waters of Buzzard Creek a branch of Red River 24 May 1826 original warrant for 97.5 acres

  • 103 36 "Gunn, Alexander" 37.5 218 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 26 August 1826 original warrant for 97.5 acres

  • 80 29 "Gunn, Alexander" 37.5 218 on the waters of Buzzard Creek a branch of Red River 28 February 1826 original warrant for 97.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 81 29 to 30 "Gunn, Alexander" 60 218 on the waters of Buzzard Creek a branch of Red River 28 February 1826 original warrant for 97.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 56 21 to 22 "Gunn, Alexander" 37.5 218 on the waters of Buzzard Creek of Red River 29 November 1825 original warrant for 97.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 57 22 "Gunn, Alexander" 60 218 on the waters of Buzzard Creek of Red River 29 November 1825 original warrant for 97.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 117 41 "Gunn, Alexander" 107.5 218 & 231 on each side of Buzzard Creek a branch of Red River 19 February 1828 original warrant no. 218 for 97.5 acres; ; original warrant no. 231 for 95 acres 55 to 56

  • 17 7 "Gunn, James " "Dunn, James" 300 211 between Buzzard and Sturgeon Creek 7 September 1825 original warrant for 300 acres 26 to 27

  • 68 26 "Gunn, Thomas" 30 247 on the waters of Red River 16 December 1825 original warrant for 30 acres 40 to 41

  • 9 4 "Hanley, William" "McGoodwin, William" 10 41 Waters of Middle Fork of Red River 30 July 1825 original warrant for 25 acres

  • 69 26 "Hannah, Thomas " "Wilson, Hiero T." 40 238 & 242 on the Middle Fork of Red River 16 December 1825 original warrant no. 238 for 150 acres; original warrant no. 242 for 200 acres; withdrawn 45

  • 83 30 "Hannah, Thomas " 40 not given on the Middle Fork of Red River 11 March 1826

      • "Heart, Henry" "Wilson, Constant A. assignee of James McDowell" 55 517 14 January 1835 original warrant for 300 acres 95 to 96

      • "Heltebrand, Henry" 150 114 & 451 on the waters of Red River 26 August 1829 original warrant no. 114 for 95 acres; original warrant no. 451 for 100 acres 63

  • 156 59 to 60 "Hendley, John P." "Wilson, Hiero T." 34 496 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 27 October 1831 original warrant for 250 acres

      • "Henley, William" "McGoodwin, William H." 10 41 on the Middle Fork of Red River 22 September 1825 original warrant for 25 acres 5

  • 14 6 "Henley, William" "McGoodwin, William H." 15 41 south of the Sulphur Fork of Red River 30 August 1825 original warrant for 25 acres 5 to 6

  • 143 54 "Henry, David Jr." 50 476 on the waters of Red River 26 October 1830 original warrant for 70 acres 72

  • 144 54 "Henry, David Jr." 20 476 on the waters of Red River 26 October 1830 original warrant for 70 acres 72 to 73

      • "Henry, Lemuel C. G." "Wilson, Hiero T." 10 1/4 222 27-Sep-34 original warrant for 60 acres 93 to 94

      • "Henry, Lemuel C. G." "Wilson, Hiero T." 49 3/4 222 on the waters of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 19 October 1825 original warrant for 60 acres 9

  • 107 37 to 38 "Henry, Lemuel C. G." "Wilson, Hiero T." 60 222 26 September 1826 original warrant for 60 acres

      • "Henry, Lemuel C. G." "Wilson, Hiero T." 49 3/4 222 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 27 September 1826 original warrant for 60 acres 50 to 51

  • 21 8 to 9 "Henry, Samuel C. G." "Wilson, Hiero T." 60 222 on the waters of the Clay Lick Branch of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 26 September 1825 original warrant for 60 acres

  • 18 7 "Hildebrand, Henry" 15 114 10 September 1825 original warrant for 95 acres

  • 19 8 "Hildebrand, Henry" 80 114 10 September 1825 original warrant for 95 acres

      • "Hildebrand, Henry" 13 3/4 114 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 27 October 1825 original warrant for 95 acres 10

  • 129 45 to 46 "Hildebrand, Henry" "Wilson, H. T." 100 451 28 July 1829 original warrant for 100 acres; withdrawn

  • 130 47 "Hildebrand, Henry" 181.5 114 & 451 on the waters of Red River 28 July 1829 original warrant no. 114 for 95 acres; original warrant no. 451 for 100 acres

  • 75 28 "Holeman, Benjamin" "Roberts, Ephraim" 40 260 on the waters of Red River 10 February 1826 original warrant for 100 acres 35

  • 163 62 to 63 "Holland, Richard" 19 226 & 496 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 21 February 1832 original warrant no. 226 for 100 acres; original warrant no. 496 for 250 acres

  • 90 32 "Holman, Benjamin" "Wilson, Hiero T." 7 279 on the waters of Red River 14 March 1826 original warrant for 525 acres; recorded 8 April 1826 36

  • 91 32 "Holman, Benjamin" "Wilson, Hiero T." 19 279 on the waters of Red River 14 March 1826 original warrant for 525 acres; recorded 8 April 1826 35 to 36

  • 149 56 "Huey, Joshua " "Johnston, Thomas, assignee of William F. Campbell" 50 234 on the waters of Red River 1 March 1831 original warrant for 50 acres 77

  • 150 57 "Huey, Joshua " 60 493 on the waters of Red River 5 March 1831 original warrant for 60 acres 77 to 78

  • 169 65 "Laurence, Josiah" 50 503 1 November 1832 original warrant for 50 acres 86

  • 167 64 "Laurence, Josiah" 50 503 9 July 1832 original warrant for 50 acres 86

  • 142 53 "Little, William" 30 478 on the waters of Red River 26 October 1830 original warrant for 30 acres 71

  • 84 30 "Lockert, Charles" "Wilson, Hiero T." 95 279 south side of Red River 11 March 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 42

  • 85 31 "Lockert, Charles" "Wilson, Hiero T." 53 279 west side of Red River 11 March 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 42 to 43

  • 95 33 to 34 "Lockhart, Charles" "Wilson, Hiero T." 117 279 on the waters of Red River 18 April 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 44

  • 11 5 "Long, William C." "McGoodwin, James K." 140 128 Waters of Middle Fork of Red River 2 August 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 1 to 2

  • 13 6 "Long, William C." 40 128 24 August 1825 this amount was withdrawn from previous entry and relocated here

      • "Mainer, Jethro" "Wilson, Hiero T." 10 279 on the waters of Red River 27 June 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 49

  • 98 34 to 35 "Mane, John" "Wilson, Hiero T." 12 279 on the waters of Red River 22 June 1826 original warrant for 525 acres

  • 34 14 "Mason, Isaac" "Wilson, Samuel" 133 227 & 229 on the waters of Red River 1 November 1825 original warrant no. 227 for 100 acres; original warrant no. 229 for 100 acres 27 to 28

  • 59 22 to 23 "Mathis, Thomas B." "Wilson, Samuel" 30 227 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 23 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 27

  • 127 45 "Moore, Abraham" "Wilson, Hiero T." 180 435 on the waters of the Middle Fork of Red River 20 October 1828 original warrant for 400 acres 60 to 61

  • 181 70 "Moore, Abraham" 380 not given on the Middle Fork of Red River 30 April 1838 withdrawn and re-entered 103 to 104

      • "Moore, Amos" "Wilson, Hiero T." 170 435 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 27 October 1828 original warrant for 400 acres 59 to 60

  • 181 70 "Moore, Amos" 380 not given on the Middle Fork of Red River 30 April 1838 withdrawn and re-entered 103 to 104

  • 126 44 "Moore, Amost" "Wilson, Hiero T." 149 435 on waters of the Middle Fork of Red River 20 October 1828 original warrant for 400 acres

  • 148 56 "Moore, Joel" 70 492 on the Middle Fork of Red River 28 Fenruary 1831 original warrant for 70 acres 76

      • "Nelson, W. B." "Gloster, A. B., Jno. Anderson, and Elizabeth W. Anderson all assignees of W. B. Nelson" 640 483 11 March 1831 original warrant for 640 acres 75 to 76

  • 70 26 "Nicholas, Solomon" "Wilson, Samuel" 5 248 on the waters of Red River 2 January 1826 original warrant for 100 acres 34

  • 172 66 "Orendorff, Eli" "Wilson, H. T." 80 505 on the waters of Red River 18 November 1833 original warrant for 80 acres 86 to 87

  • 62 23 to 24 "Paisley, Jane" "Wilson, Hiero T." 24 242 on the waters of Red River 8 December 1825 original warrant for 200 acres 28 to 29

  • 63 24 "Paisley, Jane" "Wilson, Hiero T." 45 242 on the waters of Red River 8 December 1825 original warrant for 200 acres 29 to 30

  • 183 70 "Pitts, Bartley" "Washington, Richard" 170 500 on the waters of Red River 24 July 1838 original warrant for 800 acres; withdrawn and re-entered

  • 166 64 "Pitts, Bartley" "Washington, Richard" 800 500 on the waters of Red River 25 April 1832 original warrant for 800 acres; withdrawn

  • 168 64 to 65 "Pitts, Bartley" "Washington, Richard" 800 500 on the waters of Red River 25 July 1832 original warrant for 800 acres; withdrawn

  • 185 71 "Pitts, Bartley" "Washington, Richard" 170 500 on the Middle Fork of Red River 27 July 1838 original warrant for 800 acres 105

  • 176 68 "Pitts, Bartley" "Washington, Richard" 618 500 on the waters of Red River 8 November 1837 original warrant for 800 acres 101 to 102

  • 175 67 to 68 "Pitts, Bartley" "Washington, Richard" 12 500 on the waters of Red River 9 November 1837 original warrant for 800 acres; withdrawn and re-entered 103

  • 157 60 "Pitts, Bartley " "Washington, Richard" 800 500 waters of Red River 7 January 1832 original warrant for 800 acres

  • 42 16 to 17 "Pope, William " "Wilson, Samuel" 100 235 on the waters of Red River 11 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 18

  • 43 17 "Pope, William " "Wilson, Samuel" 150 236 on the waters of Buzzard Creek and the Sulphur Fork 11 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 21 to 22

  • 82 30 "Porter, Alexander B." 60 244 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 6 March 1826 original warrant for 113.5 acres 41

  • 64 24 "Porter, Alexander B." 49 244 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 8 December 1825 original warrant for 113.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 98 35 "Powell, Matthew" "Wilson, S." 167 243 on the north side of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 22 June 1826 original warrant for 247.5 acres

  • 109 38 "Powell, Matthew" "Wilson, Samuel" 60 243 on the waters of Red River 27 September 1826 original warrant for 247.5 acres 52

  • 78 29 "Powell, Matthew" "Wilson, Samuel" 247.5 243 north side of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 28 February 1826 original warrant for 247.5 acres; withdrawn

      • "Powell, Matthew" "Wilson, Samuel" 187.5 243 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 28 June 1826 original warrant for 247.5 acres 48 to 49

  • 55 21 "Powell, Matthew" "Wilson, Samuel" 247.5 243 north side of the Sulphur Fork of the Red River 29 November 1825 original warrant for 247.5 acres; withdrawn

  • 133 48 "Powell, Matthew" 10 457 on the waters of Buzzards Creek 19 November 1829 original warrant for 1200 acres 66 to 67

  • 134 48 "Powell, Matthew" 40 457 on the waters of Buzzards Creek 19 November 1829 original warrant for 1200 acres 65 to 66

      • "Powell, Matthew" 1144 457 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 19 November 1829 original warrant for 1200 acres 65

  • 132 48 "Powell, Matthew" 1150 457 24 October 1829 original warrant for 1200 acres

  • 147 55 "Price, Penelope" 50 480 on the waters of Red River 4 January 1831 original warrant for 50 acres 74

  • 31 13 "Redfern, John" "Wilson, Samuel" 15 226 on the waters of Red River 1 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres; withdrawn

  • 32 13 "Redfern, John" "Wilson, Samuel" 20 226 1 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres; withdrawn

  • 60 23 "Redfern, John" "Wilson, Samuel" 35 226 on the waters of Red River 22 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 15

  • 76 28 "Roberts, Ephraim" 60 260 on the waters of Red River 10 February 1826 original warrant for 100 acres 37

  • 88 32 "Roberts, Ephraim" "Wilson, Hiero T." 17 279 on the waters of Red River 14 March 1826 original warrant for 525 acres; recorded 8 April 1826 37 to 38

  • 89 32 "Roberts, Ephraim" "Wilson, Hiero T." 9 279 on the waters of Red River 14 March 1826 original warrant for 525 acres; recorded 8 April 1826 38

  • 119 42 "Robertson, James" "Wilson, Hiero T., assignee of Levi Frazier, assignee of Samuel H. Curd" 10 231 on the waters of Red River 4 March 1828 original warrant for 95 acres 54

  • 44 17 "Rose, William " "Wilson, Samuel" 23 235 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 11 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 23 to 24

  • 58 22 "Ryan, John " "Wilson, Samuel" 20 227 on the Sulpher Fork of Red River 23 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 22 to 23

  • 50 19 "Ryan, Thomas " "Wilson, Samuel" 10 227 19 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres; withdrawn

  • 48 19 "Ryon, James" "Wilson, Hiero T." 150 237 on the waters of the Sulpher Fork of the Red River 11 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 25

  • 49 19 "Ryon, Thomas " "Wilson, Hiero T." 10 227 on the waters of the Sulpher Fork of the Red River 19 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres; withdrawn

  • 115 40 "Sand, William L." 100 25 on the north side of the Middle Fork of Red River 25 January 1827 original warrant for 200 acres

  • 16 6 to 7 "Sands, William L." 295 25 "between Buzzard and Stevensons Creek, waters of Red River" 3 September 1825 warrant no. 25 for 200 acres; combined with original warrant no. 127 to Levi Frazier for 195 acres; withdrawn

  • 1 1 "Sands, William L." 150 26 23 June 1825 original warrant for 200 acres

      • "Sands, William L." 147 26 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 26 October 1825 original warrant for 200 acres 30

  • 23 9 "Sands, William L." 179 26 8 October 1825 original warrant for 200 acres

      • "Sands, William L." 57 27 on the waters of the Middle Fork of Red River 21 September 1825 original warrant for 190 acres 3

      • "Sands, William L." 54 27 on the Middle Fork of Red River 21 September 1825 original warrant for 190 acres 4

  • 2 1 "Sands, William L." 70 27 Waters of Middle Fork of Red River 23 June 1825 original warrant for 150 acres

  • 3 1 to 2 "Sands, William L." 85 27 south side of the Middle fork of the Red River 23 June 1825 original warrant for 150 acres

  • 4 2 "Sands, William L." 100 26 & 27 north side of the Middle Fork of th Red River 23 June 1825 original warrant no. 26 for 200 acres; original warrant no. 27 for 150 acres

  • 24 9 to 10 "Sands, William L." 100 26 & 27 north side of the waters of the Middle Fork of the Red River 8 October 1825 original warrant no. 26 for 200 acres; original warrant no. 27 for 150 acres

  • 7 3 "Smith, Jacob" 16 115 8 July 1825 original warrant for 50 acres

  • 40 16 "Smith, Jacob" 50 233 on the waters of Red River 2 November 1825 original warrant for 110 acres 17

  • 41 16 "Smith, Jacob" 60 233 2 November 1825 original warrant for 110 acres

  • 145 54 to 55 "Spillers, Benjamin" 25 473 & 474 on the waters of Red River 26 October 1830 original warrant no. 473 for 15 acres; original warrant no. 474 for 10 acres 73

      • "Swan, Uria " "Randolph, Robert" 88 3/4 132 on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 23 September 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 6

  • 8 3 "Swan, Uriah" 100 132 21 July 1825

  • 35 14 "Thompson, Nicholas" "Wilson, Samuel" 110 227 & 228 on the waters of Sulphur Fork of the Red River 1 November 1825 original warrant no. 227 for 100 acres; original warrant no. 228 for 100 acres 24 to 25

  • 177 68 "Travathan, Aaron" 550 on the waters of Red River 12 January 1838 original warrant for 200 acres; entered in the name of C. A. Wilson

  • 47 18 to 19 "Turner, Willis " "Wilson, Hiero T." 104 238 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 11 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 14 to 15

  • 15 6 "Walton, Meredith" 140 209 on the waters of Bever Dam a branch of Sulpher Fork of Red River 3 September 1825 original warrant for 140 acres 7

  • 152 58 "Washington, Andrew" 10 494 on the waters of Red River 16 March 1831 original warrant for 50 acres 78

  • 151 57 to 58 "Washington, Andrew" 50 494 on the waters of Red River 7 March 1831 original warrant for 50 acres; 10 acres withdrawn from this claim 74 to 75

  • 149 56 "Washington, Richard A. E." "Johnston, Thomas, assignee of William F. Campbell" 50 234 on the waters of Red River 1 March 1831 original warrant for 50 acres 77

  • 150 57 "Washington, Richard A. E." 60 493 on the waters of Red River 5 March 1831 original warrant for 60 acres 77 to 78

  • 122 43 "Watkins, Henry" "Wilson, Hiero T." 60 424 12 July 1828 "original warrant for 390 acres; for the benefit of William Watkins, infant heir of John Watkins, dec'd" 56 to 57

  • 123 43 to 44 "Watkins, Henry" "Wilson, Hiero T." 360 219 & 424 14 July 1828 "original warrant no. 219 for 145 acres; original warrant no. 424 for 390 acres; for the benefit of William Watkins, infant hier of John Watkins, dec'd" 57 to 58

  • 46 18 "Williams, Vincent" "Wilson, Samuel" 7.5 235 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 11 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 22

      • "Wilson, Constant A." 50 517 on the waters of Red River 12 December 1838 original warrant for 300 acres 109

      • "Wilson, Constant A." "Orndorff, John assignee of James McDowell" 17 517 20 August 1836 original warrant for 300 acres 98

      • "Wilson, Constant A." "Orndorff, John assignee of James McDowell" 6 3/4 517 21 August 1836 original warrant for 300 acres 98 to 99

      • "Wilson, Constant A." "Orandorff, John assignee of James McDowell" 45 517 26 September 1834 original warrant for 300 acres 90 to 91

      • "Wilson, Constant A." "Orandorff, John assignee of James McDowell" 50 517 27 September 1834 original warrant for 300 acres 94

      • "Wilson, Constant A." "Orndorff, John assignee of James McDowell" 16 517 28 March 1836 original warrant for 300 acres 97

      • "Wilson, Constant A." "Orndorff, John assignee of Samuel McDowell" 20 517 30 March 1837 original warrant for 300 acres 99

      • "Wilson, Constant A." "Orndorff, John assignee of James McDowell" 17 517 31 March 1837 original warrant for 300 acres 100

  • 193 73 "Wilson, Constant A." 50 517 on the waters of Red River original warrant for 300 acres 89

  • 174 67 "Wilson, Constant A." 43 550 on the waters of Red River 14 March 1834 original warrant for 200 acres 88

      • "Wilson, Constant A." 18 550 26 September 1834 original warrant for 200 acres 89 to 90

      • "Wilson, Constant A." 18 550 26 September 1834 original warrant for 200 acres 95

      • "Wilson, Constant A." 111 550 27 September 1834 original warrant for 200 acres 92 to 93

  • 161 61 to 62 "Wilson, H. T." 6 496 waters of Red River 18 Jaunary 1832 original warrant for 250 acres 82 to 83

  • 160 61 "Wilson, H. T." 8 496 waters of Red River 30 December 1831 original warrant for 250 acres 82

  • 165 63 "Wilson, H. T." 267 506 on the waters of Red River 5 April 1832 original warrant for 300 acres 85

  • 125 44 "Wilson, Hiero T." 20 219 on the waters of Red River 25 September 1828 original warrant for 145 acres 59

  • 124 44 "Wilson, Hiero T." 22 219 on the waters of Red River 5 September 1828 original warrant for 145 acres 58

  • 120 42 "Wilson, Hiero T." "Frazier, Levi, assignee of Samuel H. Curd" 10.5 231 on the waters of Red River 11 March 1828 original warrant for 95 acres 53

      • "Wilson, Hiero T." 9 231 on the waters of Red River 11 March 1830 original warrant for 95 acres 69 to 70

  • 61 23 "Wilson, Hiero T." 10 238 on the waters of Red River 23 November 1825 original warrant for 150 acres 19

  • 92 33 "Wilson, Hiero T." 15 279 north of Middle Fork of Red River 19 May 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 46

  • 96 34 "Wilson, Hiero T." 21 279 on the waters of Red River 23 May 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 46 to 47

  • 104 37 "Wilson, Hiero T." 30 279 on the Middle Fork of Red River 26 August 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 50

  • 108 38 "Wilson, Hiero T." 43 279 on the waters of Red River 29 September 1826 original warrant for 525 acres 52 to 53

  • 121 42 to 43 "Wilson, Hiero T." 100 412 on the waters of Beaver Creek a branch of the Sulpher Fork of Red River 13 March 1828 original warrant for 100 acres 54 to 55

  • 128 46 "Wilson, Hiero T." 15 435 1 June 1829 original warrant for 400 acres; for the benefit of John Carr

      • "Wilson, Hiero T." 10 435 on the waters of Red River 25 August 1829 original warrant for 400 acres 61

      • "Wilson, Hiero T." 34 496 on the waters of Red River 20 January 1832 original warrant for 250 acres 81

  • 159 61 "Wilson, Hiero T." 23 496 waters of Red River 28 October 1831 original warrant for 250 acres 80 to 81

  • 164 63 "Wilson, Hiero T." 8 496 on the waters of Red River 29 February 1832 original warrant for 250 acres 84 to 85

  • 158 60 "Wilson, Hiero T." 150 496 waters of Red River 30 January 1832 original warrant for 250 acres; withdrawn

  • 137 50 "Wilson, Hiero T." 50 219 &231 on the waters of Red River 13 January 1830 original warrant no. 219 for 100 acres (sic); original warrant no. 231 for 95 acres 68 to 69

  • 136 49 to 50 "Wilson, Hiero T." 120 "231, 279, & 435 " on the waters of Red River 13 January 1830 original warrant no. 231 for 95 acres; original warrant no. 279 for 525 acers; original warrant no. 435 for 400 acres 67 to 68

  • 99 35 "Wilson, Hiero T." 40 238 & 279 on the waters of Red River 27 June 1826 original warrant no. 238 for 150 acres; original warrant no. 279 for 525 acres 47

  • 173 66 to 67 "Wilson, Hiero T." 133 506 & 523 on the waters of Red River 18 November 1833 original warrant no. 506 for 200 acres; original warrant no. 523 for 300 acres 87 to 88

  • 136 49 "Wilson, Hiero T." 50 not given 13 January 1830 withdrawn

  • 135 49 "Wilson, Hiero T." 9 not given 21 December 1829

  • 171 66 "Wilson, Hiero T." 100 not given on the waters of Middle Fork of Red River 21 November 1832 85 to 86

  • 170 65 "Wilson, Hiero T." 6 not given 5 November 1832

  • 102 36 "Wilson, Sam" 5 not given 25 July 1826 for the benefit of E. Browning

      • "Wilson, Samuel" 4 248 on the waters of Sulpher Fork of Red River 28 September 1826 original warrant for 100 acres 51

  • 258 94 "Woodard, Lee" 9 1/8 not given on the waters of Red River 12 March 1877

  • 162 62 "Woodard, Noah" 7.5 226 waters of Red RIver 21 February 1832 original warrant for 100 acres; withdrawn

      • "Woodard, Noah" "Wilson, Samuel" 42.5 226 on the waters of Buzzard Creek of Red River 24 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres 20

  • 33 13 to 14 "Woodard, Noah" "Wilson, Samuel" 32 226 on the waters of Buzzard Creek 9 November 1825 original warrant for 100 acres

      • "Woodard, Noah" "Wilson, Samuel and Hiero T. Wilson" 19 226 & 496 on the waters of Spring Creek a branch of Red River 29 February 1832 original warrant no. 226 for 100 acres; original warrant no. 496 for 250 acres 83 to 84

  • 178 69 "Woodward, Noah" 12 500 on the waters of Red River March 1838 original warrant for 800 acres; entered in the name of Bartley Pitts assignee of Richard Washington