Kentucky Specific
"Preliminary map of Kentucky" by Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL is licensed under CC BY 2.0
The publications listed here are available in the reading room at the Archives. All titles listed here are subject to the "one person, per month request" allowed by the Archives rules. If you know exact pages from one of these publications, we are allowed limited copies from them as they are all under copyright.
1795 Census of Kentucky
1850 Census, South Central Kentucky
First Census of Kentucky 1790 [this item is a list compiled from tax list data]
Second Census of Kentucky 1800
Sutherland, James F. - "Early Kentucky Householders: 1787 - 1811"
"Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky"
"Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky"
Foreman, Gary L. - "CROCKETT: The Gentleman from the Cane"
"Genealogies of Kentucky Families: A - M"
"Genealogies of Kentucky Families"
Green, Thomas Marshall - "Historic Families of Kentucky"
Hehir, Donald M. - "Kentucky Families: A Bibliographic Listing"
Kentucky Family Archives Vol. I
Klotter, James C. and Peter J. (eds.) - "Kentucky Profiles: Biographical Essays in Honor of Holman Hamilton"
Kozee, William C. - "Early Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky"
Kozee, William C. - "Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky"
Morris, Charles - "Kentucky Children's Home Orphan Train Children by Home County"
Andrews, Edward Deming and Faith Andrews - "Fruits of the Shaker Tree of Life: Memoirs of Fifty Years of Collecting and Research"
Arnold, W. E. - "History of Methodism in Kentucky"
Battle and Perrin - "Counties of Todd and Christian, Kentucky"
Battle, Perrin, Kniffin - "History of Kentucky Illustrated Ed. 2" [1885]
Battle, Perrin, Kniffin - "History of Kentucky Illustrated, Ed. 3" [1887]
Bowen, Jeff - "Cherokee Descendants East: An Index to the Guion Miller Applications Vol. 1"
Bowen, Jeff - "Cherokee Descendants West: An Index to the Guion Miller Applications Vol. 2 A- M"
Bowen, Jeff - "Cherokee Descendants West: An Index to the Guion Miller Applications Vol. 3 N - Z"
Bowen, Jeff - "Cherokee Descendants East: An Index to the Guion Miller Applications Vol. 4 Part 1 A - M"
Bowen, Jeff - "Cherokee Descendants East: An Index to the Guion Miller Applications Vol. 4 Part 2 N - Z"
Burns, David M. - "Gateway: Dr. Thomas Walker & the Opening of Kentucky"
Caudill, Donald D. - "Mountains, Moonshine & Memories" 2nd Edition
Cawthorn, C. P. and N. L. Warnell - "Pioneer Baptist Church Records of South-Central Kentucky and the Upper Cumberland of Tennessee 1799 - 1899"
Cherry, Thomas Crittenden - "Kentucky: The Pioneer State of the West"
Clark, Glenda Orme - "A Table in the Frontier: Pioneers, Protestants, & The Presence of God"
Coleman, J. Winston Jr. - "Historic Kentucky"
Coleman, J. Winston Jr. - "Slavery Times in Kentucky"
Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Creason, Joe - "Joe Creason's Kentucky"
Crocker, Helen Bartter - "The Green River of Kentucky"
Darnall, Ermina Jett - "Forks of Elkhorn Church"
Dick, David and Lalie - "Rivers of Kentucky"
Dorman, John Frederick - "Public Officials in Kentucky 1786 - 1792"
Drake, Daniel - "Pioneer Life in Kentucky"
Enoch, Harry G. - "In Search of Morgan's Station and "The Last Indian Raid in Kentucky"
Filson, John - "Kentucke and Daniel Boone 1784"
Fowler, Ila Earle - "Kentucky Pioneers and Their Descendants"
Freedman, Russell - "Children of the Great Depression"
Gardiner, Florence Edwards - "Cyrus Edwards' Stories of Early Days"
Gorin, Sandra K. - "Kentucky and the Cholera Epidemics of 1833, 1849, 1854, and 1873"
Guide to Kentucky Historical Highway Markers
Harlow, Alvin F. - "Weep No More My Lady"
Harrison and Klotter - "A New History of Kentucky"
Hawpe, David (ed.) - "Our Towns: Kentucky's Communities After 200 Years"
Howard, Victor B. - "Black Liberation in Kentucky: Emancipation and Freedom, 1862 - 1884"
Jones, W. Mac - "The Douglas Register"
"Kentucky in Retrospect: Noteworthy Personages and Events in Kentucky History 1792 - 1967"
Kentucky Tomorrow: 59th Inauguration [Gov. Steven L. Beshear and Lt. Gov. Jerry E. Abramson]
Kleber, John E. - "The Kentucky Encyclopedia"
Lane, Leon, Eric J. Schlarb and A. Gwynn Henderson - "Prehistoric Hunters and Gatherers: Kentucky's First Pioneers"
Legislative Research Commission - "Kentucky General Assembly Membership 1900 - 2000"
Lucas, Marion B. - "A History of Blacks in Kentucky From Slavery to Segregation, 1760 - 1891"
McDowell, Sam - "Calendar of the George Rogers Clark Papers of the Draper Collection of Manuscripts"
Meadow, Melanie M. - "The Waking Up"
Montell, William Lynnwood - "Kentucky Ghosts"
Montell, William Lynnwood - "Tales From Kentucky Lawyers"
Moore, Lucas - "Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics of the State of Kentucky"
Nall, I. B. - "Hand Book of Kentucky"
Nall, James O. - "The Tobacco Night Riders of Kentucky and Tennessee"
Nichols, E. S. - "Kentucky Farm Laws"
Perrin, Battle, Kniffin - "History of Kentucky" [1888]
Price, Eddie - "Widder's Landing: Life & Love on the Kentucky Frontier"
"Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Kentucky State Bar Association"
Redford, A. H. (Rev.) - "The History of Methodism in Kentucky"
Regenstein, Ellsworth - "Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Kentucky for the Two Years Ending June 30, 1911"
"The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society Summer 2008 Vol. 106, No. 2"
Rennick, Robert M. - "Kentucky Place Names"
Robertson, James Rood - "Petitions of the Early Inhabitants of Kentucky to the General Assembly of Virginia 1769 - 1792"
Simmons, Don - "Kentucky Postal Contract Routes Guide 1884"
Smith, Adam and Katherine Snow Smith - "A Historical Album of Kentucky"
Smith, Gerald, Karen Cotton McDonald and John A. Hardin - "The Kentucky African American Encyclopedia"
Smith, Z. F. - "History of Kentucky" [1895]
Southard, Mary Young and Ernest C. Miller - "Who's Who in Kentucky: A Biographical Assembly of Notable Kentuckians 1936"
Sprague, Stuart Seely - "Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana"
Taylor, Richard - "Three Kentucky Tragedies"
Turner Publishing - "The Celebration of Kentucky"
Walther, Peggy Roney - "Kentucky: The Bluegrass State"
Willhite, A. B. - "Will Kaltenbacher's Articles"
Chronology of Logan, Todd & Christian Counties
Formation of KY Counties, 1776 - 1939
Guide to Kentucky Historical Highway Markers
Hammon, Neal O. - "Early Kentucky Land Records 1773 - 1780"
Kentucky Atlas & Gazetter
Kentucky County Maps
Kentucky Historic Maps
Rone, Wendell H. Sr. - "An Historical Atlas of Kentucky and Her Counties"
Bible Records of Western Ky. and Tenn.
Clift, G. Glenn - "Kentucky Marriages 1797 - 1865"
Cook, Michael L. - "Fincastle & Kentucky Counties: VA - KY Records & History Vol. 1"
Cook, Michael L. - "Lincoln County, Kentucky Records Vol. II"
Cook, Michael L. - "Lincoln County, Kentucky Records Vol. III"
Divorces Granted in Kentucky, 1792 - 1849
Eddleman, Sherida K. - "Kentucky Genealogical Records & Abstracts Vol. 1: 1781 - 1839"
Evans, Gwendolyn - "Early Bluegrass Marriages"
Family Bible Records Vol. 1 A - F
Family Bible Records Vol. 2 G - L
Family Bible Records Vol. 3 M - R
Family Bible Records Vol. 4 S - Z
Gorin, Sandra K. - "Land Grants: 1815 through the 1920's: Allen, Hart, Metcalf, and Monroe Counties"
Index for Old Kentucky Surveys & Grants
Jillson, Willard Rouse - "The Kentucky Land Grants"
Jillson, Willard Rouse - "The Kentucky Land Grants Part 2"
Jillson, Willard Rouse - "Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds"
Kentucky Bible Records Vol. I
Kentucky Bible Records Vol. II
Kentucky Bible Records Vol. III
Kentucky Court and Other Records, Vol. II
Kentucky Pioneer Genealogy and Records
McAdams, Harry Kennett (Mrs.) - "Kentucky and Pioneer Court Records"
Noe, Randolph - "Kentucky Probate Methods"
Sutherland, James F. - "Early Kentucky Landholders 1787 - 1811"