Book H
***Please note that neither the Logan County Fiscal Court, the Logan County Archives, nor the Logan County Genealogical Society agrees with the language of these records. The information is given as seen in the records of the time and shared with our members for the purpose of assisting in your genealogical search.***
The information provided here is in the following order and will be helpful when requesting copies: BK PAGE GUARDIAN WARD or ACTION HEIR OF or DECEASED DATE NOTES SLAVES
H 1 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Granville" U. S. Pension funds 5 Feb 1894 Due 132.26
H 2 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Myrtle" U. S. Pension funds 5 Feb 1894 Due $159.91
H 2-3 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Theodore" U. S. Pension funds 5 Feb 1894 Due $35.17
H 3-4 "CALDWELL, D. W." "CALDWELL, Belle" "Frankfort Water Co. bonds, $5,000" 2 Apr 1894 "Due $5,684.72"
H 4 "MANSFIELD, T. A., statutory guardian" "BARNETT, Minnie" Guardian to allow for marriage 2 Apr 1894
H 5 "RILEY, W. C., assignee" "CAHOON, W. J." 93 acres sold 2 Apr 1894 "Full settlement, $390.67"
H 5-6 "WOOD, Sarah A., Mrs." "WOOD, George P." "WOOD, E. P., dec'd" 2 Apr 1894 "Full settlement, $390.67"
H 6-7 "TRAUGHBER, J. T." "BUTT, Addie, now Mrs. J. S. COOK" 2 Apr 1894 "Full settlement, $195.07"
H 7-8 "DAWSON, A. E., Mrs." "DAWSON, Mary T." 17 March 1894 "Full settlement, $289.80"
H 8 "McCARLEY, Aaron" "GOOCH, Norman" 7 April 1894 "Due $1,283.72"
H 8-9 "McCARLEY, Aaron" "GOOCH, Mattie" 7 May 1894 Due $988.44
H 10 "McCARLEY, Aaron" "GOOCH, Owen G." "GOOCH, A. G., dec'd" 4 June 1894 "Full settlement, $1,254.70"
H 10-11 "WOODWARD, R. D. statutory guardian" "SIMMONS, Jessie" 7 May 1894 "To allow for marriage, no assets"
H 11 "PENCE, J. M., statutory guardian" "PENCE, James D." "Inventory $$2.66 from HIBBETT, Jno. J., dec'd" May 1894 "HIBBETT, A. J., is admr."
H 11-13 "PAGE, N. B." Articles set aside to him and wife 7 May 1894 3 division; 2nd one set aside as he has nothing for food
H 13-14 "SMITH, J. S." "SMITH, Ervin P." 4 June 1894 "Full settlement, $893.42"
H 14 "SMITH, John H." "COLLINS, James E." Sale of ward's items 4 June 1894 Due $59.15
H 15 "ROGERS, M. H." "ROGERS, Ella" "ROGERS, Joseph, dec'd; inventory $68.27" 4 June 1894 "ROGERS, Joseph, exec."
H 15-16 "ROGERS, M. H." "PILLOW, G. P." "ROGERS, Joseph, dec'd; inventory $147.11" 4 June 1894 "ROGERS, Joseph, exec."
H 16 "LAWRENCE, John L." "LAWRENCE, Charles K." "LAWRENCE, John, dec'd" 2 July 1894 "Full settlement, $21.65"
H 17-18 "PRICE, G. H." "PRICE, Victoria G." farm rent 2 July 1894 "Full settlement, $199.02"
H 18 "BAILEY, M. R., Mrs." "BAILEY, Annie" 2 July 1894 "Full settlement, $132.47"
H 18-19 "BAILEY, M. R., Mrs." "BAILEY, Virgil" 2 July 1894 "Full settlement, $$132.50"
H 19 "NEELY, M. A." "YOUNG, Blanch C., now GOODWIN" "WARDEN, M. B., Mrs., admr." 3 Sept 1894 "Due $54.41; MERRITT, G. W., admr."
H 20 "NEELY, M. A." "YOUNG, Mattie E." "WARDEN, M. B., Mrs., admr." 3 Sept 1894 "Due $65.03; MERRITT, G. W., admr."
H 20-21 "PERKINS, M. J., Mrs." "PERKINS, Adele H." 3 Sept 1894 Due $248.56
H 21 "PERKINS, M. J., Mrs." "PERKINS, Jesse G." 3 Sept 1894 Due $202.24
H 22 "PERKINS, M. J., Mrs." "PERKINS, Ernestine T." 3 Sept 1894 Due $246.41
H 22-23 Deposit Bank of Russellville "HANLEY, James" 3 Sept 1894 Due $975.88
H 23-24 "RHEA, Charles, assignee" "LYON, J. c. & Bro." Inventory of dry goods store 3 Sept 1894
H 24-25 "ROSE, J. S., resigns" "KING, Dempsey A." Land rent 1 Oct 1894 Due $235.03
H 25-26 "ROSE, J. S., resigns" "KING, Molly L. Y." 1 Oct 1894 Due $235.03
H 26 "WALTERS, W." "MERRITT, Elsie" 1 Oct 1894
H 26-27 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Myrtle, now ELLIS" 1 Oct 1894 "Full settlement, $8.26"
H 27-28 "HUGHES, Liner" "CHAPMAN, Eula S., Lillie K., Mary O." "Mutual Benefit Ins. Co., National Life Ins. Co." 1 Oct 1894 "$1,502.06 + $750.00"
H 28-29 "LYONS, R. S." "RHEA, Charles J., assigned" Store goods inventory 1 Oct 1894
H 29-32 "MASON, T. R. gave report" "FARMER's Store of Adairville, KY" 1 Oct 1894
H 32 "BARKER, J. B." "MOORE, Pearl" "MOORE, B. B., dec'd" 3 Nov 1894 "DICKERSON, G. W., admr.; due $133.62"
H 32-33 "BARKER, J. B." "MOORE, Fannie" "MOORE, B. B., dec'd" 3 Nov 1894 "DICKERSON, G. W., admr.; due $133.62"
H 33-34 "NEELY, M. A." "YOUNG, Blanch C., now GOODWIN" 7 Jan 1895 Full settlement $18.72
H 34-35 "LINTON, J. W." "HOLLINS, J. H." "HOLLINS, J. E.'s, admr." 7 Jan 1895
H 35-36 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Emma" "Rent houses, farm rent, Logan Co. Bank stock" 7 Jan 1895 "Due $1,516.50"
H 36-37 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Richard" "Rent houses, farm rent, Logan Co. Bank stock" 7 Jan 1895 "Due $2,350.85"
H 38-39 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Maggie" "Rent houses, farm rent, Logan Co. Bank stock" 7 Jan 1895 "Full settlement, $1,281.10"
H 39-40 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Charles" "Rent houses, farm rent, Logan Co. Bank stock" 7 Jan 1895 "Due $2,130.34"
H 40-41 "EDWARDS, G. G." "IVEY, Charles B." 7 Jan 1895 "Full settlement, $1,095.07"
H 41-42 "BUTT, J. L." "BUTT, Fannie" 7 Jan 1895 Due $75.24
H 42-43 "BUTT, J. L." "BUTT, Omar" 7 Jan 1895 Due $227.16
H 43-44 "BUTT, J. L." "BUTT, Ida" 7 Jan 1895 "Full settlement, $105.83"
H 44-45 "KING, J. M." "FUQUA, Walter" 7 Jan 1895 "Full settlement, $110.19"
H 45-46 "KING, J. M." "DODSON, Henry" "DODSON, M. A., Mrs., dec'd" 7 Jan 1895 "Full settlement, $61.25"
H 46 "MANTLO, Lysander" "MANTLO, Christiana" 4 Feb 1895 "Due $1,913.29"
H 46-47 "SMITH, J. S." "SMITH, Sallie, now Mrs. HITE, Joe H." 4 Feb 1895 "Full settlement, $933.73"
H 47-48 "CURTIS, Joseph" "CURTIS, Roy" 4 Mar 1895 "Guardian to place Roy in charge of Baptist Orphan's Home, Louisville, KY"
H 48-49 "CLARK, T. C." "NANCE, Malissa V." 4 March 1895 Due $53.80
H 49-51 "CLARK, T. C." "NANCE, William T." 4 Mar 1895 "Full settlement, $53.80"
H 51 "DeGRAFFENREID, M. L." "DeGRAFFENREID, Thomas P." Inventory of $803.22 April 1895
H 51 "DeGRAFFENREID, M. L." "DeGRAFFENREID, Anthony" Inventory of $803.22 April 1895
H 52 "BOYD, G. W." "BOYD, Sarah A. E. N., Pearl C., Maud H., George D., Hattie D." May 1895
H 52 "POSEY, T. B." "MERRITT, Elsie" "Inventory $2,427.17 in notes, $600.00 cash, land to rent" May 1895
H 53 "WALTERS, W., resigned" "MERRITT, Elsie" Land rent 6 May 1895 "$3,031.27 paid to next guardian"
H 53-54 "HARDY, B. D." "HARDY, Mary E." Bank of Russellville stock 3 June 1895 "Full settlement, amount not listed"
H 54-55 "HARMON, H. H." "LIPSCOMB, Ora Lee" Farm rent 1 July 1895
H 55-56 "HARMON, H. H." "LIPSCOMB, Eliza" 1 July 1895
H 56-57 "BASS, S. A." "HUGHES, John R." "HUGHES, Ellen, dec'd; farm rent" 1 July 1895 "HUGHES, J. R., admr."
H 57 "EDWARDS, W. D." "PORTER, Nannie" "Guardian to sign for marriage, no assets" 5 Aug 1895
H 57-58 "CLARK, E. G., Jr." "MAYS, Anna & Douglas" Lot in Auburn sold 2 Sept 1895 $260.94 inventory
H 58 "FORT, T. E." "FORT, G. E." 2 Sept 1895 "Full settlement, $66.75"
H 58-59 "FORT, T. E." "FORT, Frank" 2 Sept 1895 "Full settlement, $66.75"
H 59 "JENKINS, W. E." "BAIRD, T. H." 2 Sept 1895 "Due, $1,000.11"
H 60 "HUGHES, James H." "AYRES, Maggie" "AYRES, M. E., Mrs., dec'd" 2 Sept 1895 "Full settlement, $480.82"
H 60-61 "HUGHES, James H." "AYRES, Emma, now Mrs. H. L. FLOWERS" "AYRES, M. E., Mrs., dec'd" 2 Sept 1895 "Full settlement, $398.40"
H 61-62 "BEAUCHAMP, R. N., committee" "BEAUCHAMP, W. P." 2 Sept 1895 "Full settlement, amount not listed"
H 62-64 "MERRITT, G. W., committee" "ORNDORFF, Wesley, now dec'd; CREWDSON, S. R., admr." "House rent; Pension depart of Washington, DC" Dec 1895 "Full settlement, $24.41 paid to CREWDSON, S. R."
H 64 "FLETCHER, Frank" "BILYEW, Donor" Inventory $136.30; land Dec 1895
H 65 "FLETCHER, Frank" "BILYEU, Jesse J., Jr." Inventory $136.30; land Dec 1895
H 65 "MARSHALL, D. L." "MARSHALL, Dovie" "US Pension, $75.34" Jan 1896
H 65-66 "McCUTCHEN, J. M." "McCUTCHEN, Allice L., now Mrs. Robert RODES Jr." 6 Jan 1896 "Full settlement, amount not listed"
H 66-67 "GILL, George W., resigns" "EDWARDS, Joseph Gill" 2 Mar 1896 "Full settlement, $125.79"
H 67-68 "PRICE, G. R." "HOLLAND, Vernon S." Sold mule; land rent 2 Mar 1896 "WILKERSON, Levi, former guardian; due $925.47"
H 68 "WESTRY, Coleman" "WESTRY, Vina" No assets; guardian to sign for marriage Jan 1896
H 68-69 "POSEY, Thomas p." "MERRITT, Elsie" "Land rent; WALTERS, W., former guardian" 4 May 1896 "Due $3,139.44"
H 69-71 "DOCKINS, W. A." "SWEATT, Edgar V." Timber; Land rent; Pasture rent 4 May 1896 "Full settlement, $400.86"
H 71-73 "McREYNOLDS, J. R." "SWEATT, Joseph V." Timber; Land rent; Pasture rent 4 May 1896 "Full settlement, amount not listed"
H 73 "OFFUTT, William" "MOUTHREL, Mattie S., now Mrs. Sam HUGHES" No assets; guardian to sign for marriage May 1896
H 73-74 "HADDOX, Ebin" "SMITH, Lucy J." No assets; guardian to sign for marriage April 1896
H 74 "MURPHEY, D. F." "CESSENA, Sallie" No assets; guardian to sign for marriage March 1896
H 74-75 "McCARLEY, Aaron" "GOOCH, Norman, now A. N. GOOCH" "GOOCH, A. G., dec'd" 4 May 1896 "Full settlement, $1,390.21"
H 75-76 "McCARLEY, Aaron" "GOOCH, Mattie" "GOOCH, A. G., dec'd" 4 May 1896 Due $938.32
H 76-77 "MARSHALL, D. L." "MARSHALL, Dovie" Pension; Farm rent 1 June 1896 Due $61.95
H 78-79 "MART, J. T." "MOODY, James P." 1 June 1896 Guardian due $13.28
H 80 "SMITH, J. S." "SMITH, Edwin M." 1 June 1898 "Full settlement, $1,063.04"
H 80-81 "RICHEY, A. C." "RICHEY, Blanche" 7 Sep 1896 "Full settlement, $117.62"
H 81 "DUNCAN, P. W." "DUNCAN, Cary" "DUNCAN, W. D., dec'd" 5 Oct 1896 Due $40.70
H 82 "DUNCAN, P. W." "DUNCAN, Mollie" "DUNCAN, W. D., dec'd" 5 Oct 1896 "Full settlement, $38.42"
H 82-83 "PERKINS, M. J., Mrs." "PERKINS, Ernestine F." 5 Oct 1896 Due $243.79
H 83 "PERKINS, M. J., Mrs." "PERKINS, Adele H." 5 Oct 1896 Due $254.31
H 84-85 "PERKINS, M. J., Mrs." "PERKINS, Jesse G." 5 Oct 1896 Due $210.95
H 85 "DUNCAN, P. W." "DUNCAN, Ollie D." 5 Oct 1896 Due $40.70
H 85-86 "BARKER, J. B." "MOORE, Fannie" 2 Nov 1896 "Full settlement, $109.58"
H 86-87 "BARKER, J. B." "MOORE, Fannie" 2 Nov 1896 Due $110.51
H 87-89 "CALDWELL, H. B., assignee" BURR & HARDIN Sale of stock; from W. R. BURR; from Thompson HARDIN 3 Oct 1896 "Due $2,278.75? (notes and bills)"
H 89-91 Louisville Trust Co "MORTON, David E." 7 Dec 1896
H 91-92 "FREEMAN, Martha" "FREEMAN, Lena Myrtle" "FREEMAN, Henry, dec'd; HENRY, J. M., admr." 4 Jan 1897 "Pension of $94.66, interest in homestead"
H 92 "FREEMAN, Martha" "FREEMAN, Cleveland" "FREEMAN, Henry, dec'd; HENRY, J. M., admr." 4 Jan 1897 "Pension of $94.66, interest in homestead"
H 93-94 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Emma" Rent of house; sale of house and lot 4 Jan 1897 "Due $1,672.63"
H 94-95 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Charles" Rent of house; sale of house and lot 4 Jan 1897 "Due $2,413.66"
H 95-96 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Richard" Rent of house; sale of house and lot 4 Jan 1897 "Due $2,766.34"
H 97 "JOHNSON, Zack" "MORROW, Frances" No assets 1 Feb 1897 Became guardian to sign for marriage
H 97 "PRICE, E. S." "PRICE, Emma" No assets 1 Feb 1897 Became guardian to sign for marriage
H 97-98 "NOE, M. T." "HUGHES, Artie Daisey" No assets 1 Mar 1897 Became guardian to sign for marriage
H 98-99 "LINTON, J. W." "HOLLINS, J. H." 1 Mar 1897 "Full settlement, $992.15"
H 99-101 "BROWNING, D. P., trustee" "HINES, J. M., now dec'd" Administrator of HINES paid $799.35 1 Mar 1897
H 101-102 "PRICE, G. R., resigns" "HOLLINS, Vernon S." "MERRITT, G. W., new guardian" 5 Apr 1897 Due $880.20
H 102-103 "FLOWERS, Lou M., Mrs., now Mrs. GORHAM" "FLOWERS, Rosa L." "FLOWERS, D. B., dec'd; land rent; " 3 May 1897
H 103-105 "FLOWERS, Lou M., Mrs., now Mrs. GORHAM" "FLOWERS, Henry F." 3 May 1897 "Paid $35.00 to new guardian, MERRITT, G. W."
H 105-106 "FLOWERS, Lou M., Mrs., now Mrs. GORHAM" "FLOWERS, P. M., (Neppie), Miss" 4 March 1897 Due $104.17
H 106-108 "FLOWERS, Lou M., Mrs., now Mrs. GORHAM" "FLOWERS, Edward C." 4 March 1897 Due $54.73
H 108-110 "FLOWERS, Lou M., Mrs., now Mrs. GORHAM" "FLOWERS, Ellen C." 4 March 1897 Guardian due $23.31
H 110-112 "FLOWERS, Lou M., Mrs., now Mrs. GORHAM" "FLOWERS, John D." 4 March 1897 Final settlement
H 112-113 "HENRY, J. M., executor of FREEMAN, Henry, dec'd" "FREEMAN, N. T., Charles, Cleveland, and Mirtle " "FREEMAN, Henry, dec'd" 4 March 1897 "N. T. owes guardian, $11.07; Charles owes $4.55; Cleveland owes $24.24; Mirtle owes $12.12"
H 113-114 "MILLER, W. H., admr." "SHELTON, W. P., dec'd" 4 March 1897 Final settlement
H 114-115 Deposit Bank "HANLEY, James" 4 March 1897 Due $957.79
H 115-116 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Theodore" 5 July 1897 "Full settlement, $21.07"
H 116-118 "HUGHES, Liner" "CHAPMAN, Eula, now Mrs. FOWLER" 5 July 1897
H 118 "HARRISON, C. H." "SAMPLE, Nannie B." 7 Sep 1897 Due $570.42
H 119-120 "HARRISON, C. H." "SAMPLE, Jessie A., Miss" 7 Sep 1897 Due $622.62
H 120-121 "JENKINS, W. E." "BAIRD, T. H." 5 Oct 1897 Due $505.12
H 121-122 "HUGHES, E. W." "WINTERSMITH, Emma" "Logan Co., Bank dividend; house & lot in Olmstead; WINTERSMITH, Mary's admr." 5 Oct 1897 "Full settlement $1,694.89"
H 122-123 "CLARK, E. G. Jr." "MAYS, Anna" 2 Nov 1897 Full settlement $4.86
H 123-124 "LYNE, C. S." "ROBINETTE, Mattie, now Mrs. OTIS" "PERRY, M. R., former guardian; 1/4 interest in estate" 2 Nov 1897 Full settlement $145.35
H 124 "LYNE, C. S." "ROBINETTE, Mary M." "PERRY, M. R., former guardian; 1/4 interest in estate" 2 Nov 1897 Full settlement $145.35
H 125 "LYNE, C. S." "ROBINETTE, Alberta " "PERRY, M. R., former guardian; 1/4 interest in estate" 2 Nov 1897 Due $104.57
H 125-126 "EVANS, Jo. B." "EVANS, Scobee H." Land rent 2 Nov 1897 Final settlement
H 126-127 "EVANS, Jo. B." "EVANS, Lucy W." Land rent 2 Nov 1897 Final settlement
H 127-128 "EVANS, Jo. B." "EVANS, Marvin M." Land rent 2 Nov 1897 Due $17.37
H 128 "EVANS, Jo. B." "MAYES, Douglas" Land rent 7 Dec 1897 Due $126.05
H 129 "CLEAVINGER, A. C." "WHITTAKER, Dorothy" No assets 2 Nov 1897 Guardian to allow marriage
H 130 "ASHBY, H. W., statutory guardian" "SCARBROUGH, Grant" Inventory of $85.45 4 Jan 1898
H 130 "ASHBY, H. W." "SCARBROUGH, Grant" "SCARBROUGH, W., dec'd" 4 Jan 1898 Due $86.89
H 130-131 "Deposit Bank, resigns" "GLENN, David E." "Mutual Benefit Life Ins. On GLENN, William A." 4 Jan 1898 $500.96 paid to present guardian
H 131 "SMITH, W. B." "GLENN, David E." "Inventory, $500.96; land" 4 Jan 1898
H 132-136 "PORTER, N. A." "SLOSS, Jane" "SLOSS, N. V., Mrs., dec'd; insurance, legacy" 7 Feb 1898 Final settlement
H 136-138 "PORTER, N. A." "SLOSS, Anna, now Mrs. PARKER" "SLOSS, N. V., Mrs., dec'd; insurance, legacy" 7 Feb 1898 Final settlement
H 138-140 "PORTER, N. A." "SLOSS, Mortimer. P." "SLOSS, N. V., Mrs., dec'd; insurance, legacy" 7 Feb 1898 Final settlement
H 140-143 "PORTER, N. A." "SLOSS, Zue" "SLOSS, N. V., Mrs., dec'd; insurance, legacy" 7 Feb 1898 Final settlement
H 143-149 "PORTER, N. A." "SLOSS, Eldon H." "SLOSS, N. V., Mrs., dec'd; insurance, legacy" 7 Feb 1898 Final settlement
H 149-150 "LYNE, C. S." "ROBINETT, George T." "PERRY, J. M., former guardian" 7 Feb 1898 Full settlement $147.91
H 150 "BURR, R. J." "BUTT, Blanche" 7 Feb 1898 Full settlement $224.49
H 150-151 "DALY, John" "MULLEN, D. F." 7 Feb 1898 Full settlement $158.57
H 151-152 "HUGHES, M. O., exec. Of HUGHES, E. W., dec'd" "WINTERSMITH, Richard" "WINTERSMITH, Mary, dec'd, WINTERSMITH, Emma W., admr.; Logan Co. bank dividend" 7 Feb 1898 Final settlement to new guardian (not listed)
H 152-153 "HUGHES, M. O., exec. Of HUGHES, E. W., dec'd" "WINTERSMITH, Charles" "WINTERSMITH, Mary, dec'd, WINTERSMITH, Emma W., admr.; Logan Co. bank dividend" 7 Feb 1898 "All paid to present guardian, $2,185.07"
H 153-155 "MORTON, Ruth H., estate (willed to her by FISK, Robert)" "BARCLAY, W. F., former trustee of MORTON, Fannie E., Mrs." "Johnson Co., MO bond" 10 Mar 1898 "Trustee to hold funds for MORTON, Fannie E., Mrs."
H 155-156 "WALTON, W. T." "POSEY, Willie, colored" "Pension claim, 1/3 amounts" 10 Mar 1898 Settlement $145.09
H 156-157 "WALTON, W. T." "POSEY, Cora, colored" "Pension claim, 1/3 amounts" 10 Mar 1898 Due $335.90
H 157-158 "WALTON, W. T." "POSEY, Lena, colored" "Pension claim, 1/3 amounts" 10 Mar 1898 Due $338.02
H 158 "WILLIAMS, Henry, statutory guardian" "WILLIAMS, Mirtie" No assets 10 Mar 1898 Guardian to sign for marriage
H 158-159 "PENCE, J. M." "PENCE, James D." 11 Apr 1898 Due $318.05
H 159-160 "MATLOCK, J. W." "MATLOCK, Otis" Farm rent; land sale 11 Apr 1898
H 160-161 "EDWARDS, J. W., committee" "KING, Deliah" pension 11 Apr 1898 Due $37.86
H 161-163 "CALDWELL, D. W." "CALDWELL, Bell" 11 Apr 1898 "Due $4,282.23"
H 163-164 "ROGERS, M. H." "ROGERS, Ella" "ROGERS, E. W., dec'd; ROGERS, Joseph, admr." 11 Apr 1898 Full settlement $65.83
H 164 "ROGERS, M. H." "ROGERS, Gabi" "ROGERS, E. W., dec'd; ROGERS, Joseph, admr." 11 Apr 1898 Due $83.03
H 165 "GILBERT, J. N." "GILBERT, Lula I." 11 Apr 1898 Due $82.96
H 165-166 "GAMBELL, W. S." "TRAUGHBER, Richard, dec'd, heirs" 4 May 1898 Due $146.48
H 166-167 "DeGRAFFENREID, Mattie L." "DeGRAFFENREID, Anthony " 4 May 1898 Due $869.33
H 167-168 "BOYD, George E." "BOYD, Catherine" 4 May 1898 Due $147.50
H 168 "BOYD, George E." "BOYD, George D." 4 May 1898 Due $147.50
H 168-169 "BOYD, George E." "BOYD, Sarah A." 4 May 1898 Due $147.50
H 169 "BOYD, George E." "BOYD, Hattie E." 4 May 1898 Due $147.50
H 170 "BOYD, George E." "BOYD, Ernest W." 4 May 1898 Due $147.50
H 170-171 "BOYD, George E." "BOYD, Maud" 4 May 1898 Due $147.50
H 171 "HELM, T. O." "NEAL, Ireen" 4 May 1898 Tuition paid; due $719.39
H 171-172 "SMITH, W. B." "GLENN, David E." 4 May 1898 "All paid to WYATT, W. S., R508-18"
H 172-173 "DeGRAFFENREID, Mattie L." "DeGRAFFENREID, Anthony " "Franklin, TN farm rent" 4 May 1898 Due $754.38
H 174 "WYATT, W. S." "GLENN, David E." Inventory 4 May 1898 Due $423.61
H 174-175 "RECTOR, Thornton" "RECTOR, Samuel" 4 May 1898 Guardian due $1.90
H 175-176 "GAMBILL, W. S." "PROCTOR, Lelia" 7 June 1898 Due $41.31
H 176-177 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Bessie" 7 June 1898 Due $577.24
H 177-178 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Granville" Pension 7 June 1898 Due $254.62
H 179 "PRICE, J. L." "PRICE, Johnetta" Appleton estate 7 June 1898 Due $116.46
H 179-180 "PRICE, J. L." "PRICE, Leonard" Appleton estate 7 June 1898 Due $116.46
H 180 "WALTON, W. T." "POSEY, William" 7 June 1898 Due $131.13
H 180-181 "HUMMER, G. W." "ORNDORFF, Vernon, Nellie, Hummer" 10 April 1898 "Guardian due $4,700.30"
H 182-184 "BOWLING, J. R., trustee" "BOWLING, Ula, Temple, Humphey" 7 June 1898 "Due wards, $2,374.24"
H 184 "BIBB, Green" "FUGATE, Rosa" No estate; guardian to allow marriage July 1898
H 185 "WALTON, W. T." "POSEY, Cora" 8 July 1898 Account all spent
H 185-186 "HUGHES, Liner" "CHAPMAN, Lillie" 8 July 1898 Due $548.50
H 186-187 "HUGHES, Liner" "CHAPMAN, Mary C." 8 July 1898 Due $668.78
H 187 "CLARK, J. W." "CLARK, Vernon, Girtie; BROOKS, Obie" BROOKS estate 8 July 1898 Vernon and Girtie paid $18.00 each; Obie got $36.00; $6.10 in account
H 187-188 "PRICE, John H." "COLLINS, Edgar" 8 July 1898 Due $88.29
H 189 "HESTER, J. B., statutory guardian" "POSEY, Willie" 1 Aug 1898 "Cash on hand, $131.13"
H 189-190 "ORNDORFF, John G., statutory guardian" "FISHER, James S., Clarence, Leonard L., Alfred M." "FISHER, J. A., dec'd and some from bachelor uncle of Robertson Co., TN" 1 Aug 1898 $110.88 on hand
H 190 Deposit Bank "SMITH, Madge" "Cash from ECHOLS, J. E." 1 Aug 1898
H 190-191 "TISDALE, Josh" "MYERS, Willie (male)" Guardian to allow him to marry 1 Aug 1898
H 191 "BROWDER, W. B." "BROWDER, Sallie B." 6 Sept 1898 Due $215.92
H 191-192 "BROWDER, W. B." "BROWDER, Arthur C." 6 Sept 1898 Due $295.29
H 192-193 "BROWDER, W. B." "BROWDER, Walter W." 6 Sept 1898 Due $327.41
H 193 "BROWDER, W. B." "BROWDER, Minnie" 6 Sept 1898 Due $115.92
H 193-194 "BROWDER, W. B." "BROWDER, Richard C." 6 Sept 1898 Due 254.16
H 194-195 "COKE, Carrie" Estate settlement In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault 6 Sept 1898 Detailed report
H 195-203 "SIMPSON, Mary Frech" Estate settlement In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault 6 Sept 1898 Detailed report
H 204 "DUNCAN, W. P." "DUNCAN, Cary" 4 Oct 1898 Due $43.29
H 204-205 "DUNCAN, P. W." "DUNCAN, Ollie D." 4 Oct 1898 Due $42.73
H 205 "ARNOLD, George" "McCARLEY, Emma" Guardian to sign for her marriage 4 Oct 1898
H 206 "SHELTON, C. E." "SHELTON, G. W. & Richard" "Cash from MILLER, W. H.;" 4 Oct 1898 Tuition paid
H 206-208 "MARSHALL, D. L." "MARSHALL, Dovie" Pension 4 Oct 1898 Due $286.44
H 208-209 "HARRISON, C. H." "SAMPLE, Nannie" 4 Oct 1898 Due $426.16
H 209-210 "POSEY, T. P." "MERRITT, Elsie" 4 Oct 1898 "Due $3,236.76"
H 210-213 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "YOUNG, J. R. & G. T." 4 Oct 1898 Overdrawn $402.82
H 214 "TYLER, C. H., assigned" "TYLER, W. B." 4 Oct 1898 Due $13.93
H 214-217 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "EVANS, Sallie B., et al" 14 Nov 1898 Overdrawn $45.62
H 217-223 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "BAILEY, Annie R." 4 Oct 1898 Due $207.13
H 223 "MERRITT, G. W." "SALE, Lizzie" 6 Dec 1898
H 224 "HARDISON, Thomas" "KING, Charles P." Pension 6 Dec 1898 Due guardian $102.66
H 225-226 "HARDISON, Thomas" "KING, Lucritia" Pension 6 Dec 1898 Due guardian $54.00
H 226-227 "EDWARDS, G. G." "IVEY, Joe B." Land rent 6 Dec 1898 "Due $1,595.36"
H 227-232 "BIGGS,J. B. & LONG, S. C., trustees" "LONG, Nimrod's grand-children" 6 Dec 1898 Due $568.02 and lots more in details
H 233-238 "BALLANCE, W. H." "BALLANCE, Mollie" "Land rent, estate of Jno. BALLANCE" 7 Feb 1899 "Due $1,365.25"
H 239 "VAUGHN, l. B." "ANGELL, Ulah" Inventory of $85.30 7 Feb 1899
H 239-240 "FORT, T. E." "FORT, Mable" 6 Apr 1899 Final settlement of $114.87
H 240 "DALTON, A. D." "DALTON, Annie" 6 Apr 1899 Due 425.75
H 241 "DALTON, A. B." "DALTON, Lizzie" 6 Apr 1899 Due $25.53
H 242 "DUNCAN, P. W." "DUNCAN, Ollie P." 5 Sep 1899 "Final settlement, $40.29"
H 242-243 "HARRISON, C. H." "SAMPLE, Jessie" 7 Nov 1899 Due $370.18
H 244 "BARKER, J. B." "MOORE, Pearl" 1 Jan 1900 Due $80.55
H 245 "FLETCHER, Frank" "BILYEU, Jessie" 1 Jan 1900 Due $131.30
H 245-246 "FLETCHER, Frank" "BILYEU, Donor" 1 Jan 1900 Due $160.70
H 246-247 "HESTER, J. B." "POSEY, William" Funds from former guardian 1 Jan 1900 Due 21 cents
H 247-248 "MERRITT, G. W." "SALE, Jessie" 1 Jan 1900 "Burial expenses for Jesse SALE; PERRY, M. R., Dr."
H 248-249 "BARKER, J. B." "MOORE, Pearl, now Mrs. George KERSEY" 8 Feb 1900 "Final settlement, paid $85.06"
H 249-251 "HESTER, J. R." "POSEY, Cora" Pension 8 Feb 1900 Due $200.43
H 251-252 "HARRISON, c. H." "SAMPLE, Jessie" 8 Feb 1900 Guardian due $2.82
H 252-253 "MERRITT, G. W." "MARTIN, Henry C." Land sold 8 Feb 1900 Paid $17.80
H 253 "MOSELEY, J. A." "SMITH, J. A., assignee of " 8 Feb 1900 Due $108.94
H 253-254 "BUTT, J. L." "BUTT, Omer" 8 Feb 1900 Final settlement $270.55 paid to court
H 254-255 "HUTCHERSON, W. G." "PRICE, Cora nee HUTCHERSON" 8 Mar 1900 Due $223.46
H 256 "LEWIS, Lela Wade" "WADE, R. Frederic" Stock Feb 1900
H 256-257 "LEWIS, Lena W., Mrs." "WADE, R. F." funds from former guardian; stock 5 Apr 1900 Due $586.07
H 257-258 "MATLOCK, Jno." "MATLOCK, Otis" Farm rent 5 Apr 1900 ?
H 258-259 "WALTON, W. T." "POSEY, Lena" Pension 5 Apr 1900 Due $369.38
H 260 "BROWDER, Wilbur F." "BROWDER, Eugenie" Guardian to make changes in insurance policy 8 May 1900
H 260-261 "WYATT, W. S." "GLENN, David E." 5 June 1900 Due $407.94
H 261 "RECTOR, W. Q." "RECTOR, Warner" land rent 5 June 1900 Due $21.00
H 262 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Granvill" 6 June 1900 $159.13 paid to court
H 263 "ANDERSON, W. J." "SCOTT, Bessie" 7 Aug 1900 $827.70 paid to court
H 263-264 "SMITH, G. A." "LINTON, Rosa" Inventory of $271.42 4 Sep 1900
H 264-266 "OFFUTT, Ezra" "FUQUA, Primer, now TRAUCHBER" 4 Sep 1900 Guardian due $60.84
H 266-267 "OFFUTT, Ezra" "FUQUA, Frank M." 4 Sep 1900 Due $209.47; bills to Dr. TOWNSEND and Dr. HOLLINS
H 268-269 "OFFUTT, Ezra" "FUQUA, Carrie" 4 Sep 1900 Guardian due $48.63
H 269-270 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "COKE, Carrie, Mrs." 19 Oct 1900 "Overdrawn $8.50, many investments"
H 270-275 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "SIMPSON, Mary F." 19 Oct 1900 "Balance of $43,796.00 invented"
H 276 Deposit Bank "HANLEY, James" 7 Nov 1900 "Paid Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault, $894.86"
H 276-278 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "NORTHINGTON, Watkins" 7 Nov 1900 Detailed report
H 278-282 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "NORTHINGTON, Watkins" 7 Nov 1900 Detailed report
H 282-284 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "NORTHINGTON, Walton" 7 Nov 1900 "On hand, $5,066.56"
H 284 "CLARK, E. G. Jr." "MAYS, Douglas" 4 Dec 1900 due $72.08
H 285 "BARNES, J. B." "BARNES, James" Land rent 4 Dec 1900 "Guardian due $1,691.67"
H 286 "HESTER, J. B." "SCOTT, Granville" Former guardian funds 4 Dec 1900 "Final settlement, $89.53"
H 286-287 "RECTOR, W. Q." "RECTOR, James, Samuel, Dallas" "BROWNING, Celia estate" 4 Dec 1900 Dallas due $29.02; Final on James for $23.87; Final on Sam for $31.52
H 287-288 "THOMPSON, Nancy, Mrs." "HAWKINS, Malvina, Effie, Maurie/Manie, Norris, Nellie, Sam, Sallie, Altha" 7 May 1901 "Over paid Norris $17.05; Effie, $17.20; Altha $7.55; Due $2.45 each to Malvina, Maurie, Sallie"
H 288-289 "CRAFTON, W. T." "LATHAM, Mirtie" "JENKINS, Wyatt provided funds" 7 May 1901 Due $100.24
H 288-292 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "EVANS, Sallie B." 7 May 1901 "On hand, $7,514.74"
H 292-295 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "BAILEY, Annie R." 7 May 1901 "On hand, $2,915.43"
H 295-296 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "SMITH, Madge" 7 May 1901 "On hand, $1,350.00"
H 296-297 "FELTS, Homer" "WESTRAY, Cora" $640.67 in pension 3 July 1901
H 297-298 "HELM, T. O." "NEAL, Irene" 6 Aug 1901
H 298-299 "HUGHES, Liner" "CHAPMAN, Mary" 6 Aug 1901 Due $667.29
H 299 "HUGHES, Liner" "CHAPMAN, Lillie C." 6 Aug 1901 Due $330.64
H 300 "VAUGHN, L. B." "AINGEL, Ula" ` 3 Sep 1901
H 300-302 "MERRETT, G. W., committee" "FUQUA, Nannie" Farm rent; suit vs. KING in Adairville 3 Sep 1901 Commissioner due $24.31
H 302-303 "WYATT, W. S." "GLENN, D. E." 7 Oct 1901 Guardian over paid $373.92
H 303 "PRICE, Jno. H." "COLLINS, Edgar" 5 Nov 1901 Due $11.84
H 303-304 "HUGHES, M. O., executor HUGHES, E. W. who was guardian" "WINTERSMITH, Richard" Logan County bank stock 3 Feb 1902 "Due $1,865.99"
H 304-305 "BURGHER, B. W., admr." "CARNEAL, Lucy" 3 Feb 1902
H 305-306 "RAY, C. M., admr." "RAY, Sam" "Bank account, hogs & wheat sold, notes due" 3 Feb 1902 "Paid $1,360.84 to WINTERSMITH, Charles"
H 306-307 "BOWLING, J. R., trustee" "BOWLING, Ula, Temple, Umphrey" "BOWLING, R. C., dec'd, will" 3 Feb 1902 "Due $3,348.15"
H 308 "FLOWERS, J. S." "BOYD, Daniel" 7 Apr 1902 Due $187.89
H 308-309 "FLOWERS, J. S." "BOYD, Pearl S." 7 Apr 1902 Due $187.89
H 309-310 "FLOWERS, J. S." "BOYD, Maud H." "Vouchers in BOYD, Earnest packet" 7 Apr 1902 Due $187.89
H 310 "DAVIS, R. W." "FUQUA, Frank" 7 Apr 1902 Due $153.03
H 310-311 "SMITH, G. A." "LINTON, Rosa" 7 May 1902 Due $321.41
H 311-312 "FELTS, Homer" "WESTRAY, Cora" Pension 5 May 1902 $677.27 paid to court
H 312-313 "OFFUTT, Ezra" "FUQUA, Frank" 5 May 1902 "Paid $146.40 to DAVIS, R. W., guardian"
H 313-315 "DOCKINS, J. B." "SWEATT, J. V." "Funds from McREYNOLDS, J. R.; sale of corn" 21 Nov 1901 "Tuition paid; no vouchers okay by SWEATT, full payment $87.33"
H 315-316 "ASHBY, W. H." "SCARBROUGH, Grant" "Sale of mule, hogs, wheat" 5 May 1902
H 316 "MOSELY, J. H., assignee" "WELLER, J. M." Sales of stock and fixtures 5 May 1902
H 317 "FERGUSON, J. I." "STOWERS, Mary Neely" 2 June 1902 Due $262.45
H 317-318 "CRAFTON, W. T." "LATHAM, Mertie" "Court sent funds to Mertie in Paducah, KY" 4 Aug 1902 $82.33 paid to court
H 318 "ROBBINS, Jno. L." "ROBBINS, T. E." "A note for $280.00 from ROBBINS, J. E., guardian" 4 Aug 1902
H 318-319 "ROBBINS, Jno. L." "SOYARS, Fannie" 4 Aug 1902 Full settlement of $35.34
H 319 "ROBBINS, Jno. L." "ROBBINS, G. B." 4 Aug 1902 Due $72.34
H 320 "DUNCAN, W. P." "DUNCAN, Carry" 4 Aug 1902 Due $51.26
H 320 "LYON, J. W." "BURCHETT, Ermine, Nettie, Sherman R." 4 Aug 1902 Jointly due $128.01
H 321 "DORRIS, G. T., committee" "BURCHETT, Jack" Sale bill 4 Aug 1902 Ward due $128.01 paid to court
H 321-322 "WALTON, W. T." "PERRY, Lena" 3 Nov 1902 Due $626.04
H 323-324 "EDMONDSON, Prisella, Mrs." "EDMONSON, Wesley, Eliza, Mary, Florence" Insurance 3 Nov 1902 "Wesley due $2.00, Eliza owes guardian, $134.20; Mary owes $100.30; Florence owes $15.82"
H 324 "DUNCAN, W. P." "DUNCAN, Carie" 1 Dec 1902 "Full settlement, $47.17"
H 325-327 "WATSON, J. T., admr." "PAGE, Charles, Walter, Edith" "Sale of realty; suit vs PERRY, former guardian" 1 Dec 1902 Charles due $553.85 & is now of age; Walter due $842.06; Edith due $142.11
H 327-329 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "SMITH, Madge" 1 Dec 1902 "Balance on hand $1,350.00"
H 329-331 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "BAILEY, Annie R." 1 Dec 1902 "Balance on hand $2,915.43"
H 331-335 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "EVANS, Sallie B." 1 Dec 1902 "Balance on hand $7,514.74"
H 335-340 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "SIMPSON, Mary F." 1 Dec 1902 "Balance on hand $42,789.25"
H 340-341 "CHANEY, L. R." "HOSKINS, Clara & Ollie" U. S. govt. funds Nov 1903 $865.00 available
H 341-342 "MATLOCK, J. W." "MATLOCK, Otis" 5 Jan 1903 Due $332.41
H 343-343 "NEWMAN, R. W." "SIMMONS, J. M." Pension 5 Jan 1903 Due $35.14
H 343-344 "BROTHER, J. H." "GILLUM, Annie" "Sale of mule, wheat fan, horse" 5 Jan 1903 Final -0-; paid on sewing machine
H 344-345 "FELTS, Homer" "WILSON, Coleman E." "ARNOLD, Austin estate, died intestate in TX; 13 Oct 1901" 5 Jan 1903 Full settlement $15.78
H 345-347 "NEWMAN, R. W." "SIMMONS, Nicholas" Pension 5 Jan 1903
H 347-349 "NEWMAN, R. W." "SIMMONS, C. E." Pension 5 Jan 1903
H 349-351 "Fidelity Trust & Safety Vault Co., trustee" "COKE, Carrie" Managing income acct. 2 Mar 1903 "$3,500.00 invested"
H 351-353 "Fidelity Trust & Safety Vault Co., trustee" "HANLEY, James" Managing income acct. 2 Mar 1903 $850.00 invested
H 353-354 "FERGUSON, J. G." "STOWERS, Mary" "Funds from McCUTCHEN, H. S." 2 Mar 1903 Due $120.10
H 354 "ACKERMAN, T. D." "ACKERMAN, Annie W., wife of T. D." Land rent 2 Mar 1903 All funds used by family
H 354-357 "MERRETT, G. W." "TAYLOR, John R." Pension 6 May 1903 "Paid to present guardian, $1,045.04"
H 358 "MALLORY, Felix R." "DUDLEY, Mary" Inventory of $253.84 June 1903
H 358-359 "CHANEY, L. R." "HOSKINS, Clara & Ollie" Inventory of $62.67 July 1903
H 359-361 "CLARK, T. C., committee" "McCARTY, M. S." 7 July 1903 $315.41 paid to asylum supt.
H 361 "CLARK, T. C." "McCARTY, M. S." 7 July 1903 Balance due $414.34.
H 362-363 "BOWLING, J. R., trustee" "BOWLING, Temple heirs" Rent Ark. Land 7 July 1903 "Wards are due $2,494.92"
H 364-365 "BOWLING, E. W., Mrs., trustee" "BOWLING, Temple heirs" Rent Ark. Land 7 July 1903 "Temple due $416.52; Umphrey due $1,074.30; Ula BOWLING, now BARNES due $1074.30"
H 365-366 "MERRETT, G. W." "CUMBIT, Mamie" 4 Aug 1903 Paid $10.49
H 366-372 "CALDWELL, H. B." "FUQUA, Maude" 4 Aug 1903 Due $65.57
H 372-373 "MERRETT, G. W." "CASH, Minnie" "Pension, 1/4 of accounts paid" 5 Oct 1903 Due $33.84
H 373-375 "MERRETT, G. W." "CASH, Andrew" "Pension, 1/4 of accounts paid" 5 Oct 1903 Due $21.47
H 375-376 "MERRETT, G. W." "CASH, Ed Elmore" "Pension, 1/4 of accounts paid" 5 Oct 1903 Due $15.91
H 376-377 "MERRETT, G. W." "STANLEY, Minerva" Pension 5 Oct 1903 Due $42.80
H 377-378 "MERRETT, G. W." "STANLEY, Golda" Pension 5 Oct 1903 Due $38.20
H 378-379 "GORDON, J. C., committee" "HAWKINS, Susan" Paid Cisque Trust balance of $241.23 5 Oct 1903
H 379-380 "DIAL, William" "YOUNG, W. D." 28 Sep 1903 "Final settlement, all funds used"
H 380-381 "WALL, C. C." Deposit Bank Results of equity case in circuit court 17 Dec 1903
H 381 "BELCHER, A. M." "BELCHER, Mary A., Gwena E., Evie L., W. O." "$56.92 in case, land on Muddy Creek" 26 Jan 1904
H 382-383 "PAISLEY, R. A., trustee" "PAISLEY, L." 1/3 of charges; wheat and hay sale 6 Feb 1904
H 384-385 "SHELTON, C. E." "RILEY, Maud" 6 Feb 1904 Due $110.12
H 385 "SHELTON, C. E." "RILEY, Rhea" 6 Feb 1904 Due $96.83
H 385-386 "HARDING, Willis" "HARDING, Lizzie" 6 Feb 1904 "Final settlement, $106.56"
H 386 "CHANEY, L. R." "HOSKINS, Ollie" Inventory of $60.00 Feb 1904
H 386-387 "CHANEY, Lorenzo R." "HOSKINS, Ollie" Pension 10 Feb 1904 Due $441.49
H 387-388 "McLEAN, George A." "BOSLEY, Audra & Evalyn" "Inventory, $50.00 for each" Feb 1904
H 388-391 "Deposit Bank, assignee" "TOWNSEND, R. P." "Funds tied up in court on wheat, corn, fodder, hay, rents" 19 Mar 1904 Deposit Bank become guardian
H 391 "HOWERTON, T. A." "TAYLOR, John R." "Funds from MERRITT, G. W." 19 Mar 1904 "Due $1,045.04"
H 392 "CHANEY, L. B." "HOSKINS, Clara" Pension 21 Mar 1904 Due $383.39
H 393 "CLARK, T. C., committee" "McCARTY, H. S." 21 Mar 1904
H 393-394 "PRICE, Jane" "PRICE, Jane, widow of John D." "PRICE, John D., dec'd" May 1904 Dower allotment by comr.
H 394 "YOUNG, John T." "WHITE, Casey" Inventory $250.54 from TN May 1904
H 395-396 "DeGRAFFENREID, M. L., Mrs." "DeGRAFFENREID, T. P." 2 Apr 1904 "Final settlement, $418.40"
H 396-397 "DeGRAFFENREID, M. L., Mrs." "DeGRAFFENREID, T. P." 30 May 1904 Due $352.57
H 398 "GAMBILL, W. S." "TRAUGHBER, Richard" TRAUGHBER heir 31 May 1904 Due $24.20
H 398-399 "GAMBILL, W. S." "TRAUGHBER, Will" TRAUGHBER heir 31 May 1904 Guardian due $3.14
H 399 "GAMBILL, W. S." "TRAUGHBER, Wiley " TRAUGHBER heir 31 May 1904 Guardian due $3.14
H 400 "GAMBILL, W. S." "TRAUGHBER, Arch" TRAUGHBER heir 31 May 1904
H 400-401 "GAMBILL, W. S." "TRAUGHBER, Ida" TRAUGHBER heir 31 May 1904 Due $35.45
H 401-402 "GAMBILL, W. S." "PROCTOR, Lelia" TRAUGHBER heir 31 May 1904 Guardian due $7.01
H 402-405 "GAMBILL, W. S." "COPELAND, C. P." "COPELAND, J. W. estate; wheat, tobacco, stack hay, farm rent" 1 June 1904 Due $118.70
H 406-409 "GAMBILL, W. S." "COPELAND, Myrtle" "COPELAND, J. W. estate; wheat, tobacco, stack hay, farm rent" 1 June 1904 Due $465.08
H 409-413 "GAMBILL, W. S." "COPELAND, James" "COPELAND, J. W. estate; wheat, tobacco, stack hay, farm rent" 1 June 1904 Due $253.12
H 413-417 "GAMBILL, W. S." "COPELAND, Joe" "COPELAND, J. W. estate; wheat, tobacco, stack hay, farm rent" 1 June 1904 Guardian due $3.73
H 417-420 "GAMBILL, W. S." "GORE, Ida, Mrs., nee COPELAND" "COPELAND, J. W. estate; wheat, tobacco, stack hay, farm rent" 1 June 1904 Due $5.24
H 420-421 "DIAL, W. M." "YOUNG, Hilda N." 19 June 1904 Final settlement
H 421 "HUTCHERSON, W. G." "PRICE, Cora, need HUTCHERSON" 6 Aug 1904 Owed $41.00
H 421-422 "BEAUCHAMP, R. N. Jr." "STOWERS, James Emma" Father's estate 6 Aug 1904 Due $428.20
H 422-423 "DIAL, W> M." "YOUNG, Hilda N." 6 Aug 1904 "Final settlement, $202.84"
H 423-424 "HESTER, J. B." "HENDERSON, Cora, need POSEY" 6 Aug 1904 "Final settlement, $42.49"
H 424-425 "BROWDER, M. C." "GILLUM, Jane" "Inventory $317.00, Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of Newark, NJ" 24 Sep 1904
H 425 "MALLORY, F. R." "DUDLEY, Mary E." 24 Sep 1904 Due $249.52
H 426 "MERRETT, G. W., committee" "SMALL, Georgia, Mrs." "Funds from SMALL, Tom" 24 Sep 1904
H 426-427 "TOWNSEND, T. H., assignee" "TOWNSEND, widow" "TOWNSEND, E. P., dec'd" 10 Oct 1904 No funds; notes cannot be collected
H 427-428 "FLOWERS, James S." "BOYD, Maud H. " BOYD estate 8 Feb 1905 "Final settlement, $30.07"
H 428-429 "FLOWERS, James S." "BOYD, Earnest" BOYD estate 8 Feb 1905 "Final settlement, $6.93"
H 429-430 "FLOWERS, James S." "BOYD, Daniel" BOYD estate 8 Feb 1905 "Final settlement, $16.52"
H 430-431 "FLOWERS, James S." "BOYD, Pearl" BOYD estate 8 Feb 1905 All funds spent
H 431-432 "FLOWERS, James S." "BOYD, Alma" BOYD estate 8 Feb 1905 "Final settlement, $6.93"
H 432-433 "FLOWERS, James S." "BOYD, Hattie" BOYD estate 8 Feb 1905
H 433 "ORNDORFF, M. E." "GORHAM, W. G." BOYD estate 9 Feb 1905 Due $272.18
H 434 "CHANEY, L. R." "HOSKINS, Ollie" Inventory $120.00 9 Feb 1905
H 434-435 "SMITH, G. A." "LINTON, Rosa" 13 Mar 1905 No funds available
H 435-436 "HELM, T. O." "NEAL, Irene" "Funds from NEAL, M. A." 13 Mar 1905 "Due $1,112.23"
H 437 "ORNDORFF, John G." FISHER heirs (5) 14 Mar 1905 "Due $2,404.78; J. S. FISHER of age was paid $480.95"
H 437-438 "ORNDORFF, John G." "FISHER, James S." 14 Mar 1905 Final settlement
H 438-440 "FERGUSON, James T." "STOWERS, Mary" 14 Mar 1905 Due $329.54
H 440-443 "GORDON, J. C., committee" "HAWKINS, Susan" 14 Mar 1905 "Balance of account, $256.77"
H 443-444 "SANDERS, Richard, trustee" "TERRY & Co., Adairville, KY" "Stock inventory of $2,175.35" 9 May 1905 Final
H 444-445 "MERRITT, G. W." "CASH, Minerva" Pension 9 May 1905 Due $55.08
H 445 "MERRITT, G. W." "CASH, Andrew" Pension 9 May 1905 Due $44.54
H 445-446 "MERRITT, G. W." "STANLEY, Golda B." Pension 9 May 1905 Due $91.60
H 446-447 "MERRITT, G. W." "STANLEY, Minerva" Pension 9 May 1905 Due $88.92
H 447-448 "OBRIEN, James, Mrs." "OBRIEN, Mike" land sale 12 June 1905 Due $822.47
H 448 "ORNDORFF, John G." FISHER heirs 8 July 1905 "Final; due $1,974.42"
H 449 "McLEAN, G. A." "BOSLEY, Audrey Eveline" 8 July 1905 Due $112.00
H 449-450 "FELTS, Homer, committee" "BUTLER, Arthur" Treasury check; sold cow 8 July 1905 Due $250.64
H 450-451 "CHANEY, L. B." "HOSKINS, Clara" Pension 9 Oct 1905 Due $398.15
H 451-452 "CHANEY, L. B." "HOSKINS, Ollie" Pension 9 Oct 1905 Due $398.15
H 452-454 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "WALL, Carrie L." 1 Dec 1905 "Invested $1,850.00"
H 454-455 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "EICHELBERGER, Robert G." 1 Dec 1905 Invested $300.00
H 455-457 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "HANLEY, James" 1 Dec 1905 "Invested $1,850.00"
H 457-459 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "SMITH, Madge" 1 Dec 1905 "Invested $1,364.80"
H 459-461 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "COKE, Carrie" 1 Dec 1905 "Invested $2,550.00"
H 462-465 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "EVANS, Sallie B., et al" 2 Dec 1905 "Invested $9,805.00"
H 465-469 In trust with Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault "BAILEY, Annie B." 2 Dec 1905 "Invested $3,214.43"
H 469 "IVEY, J. W." "RUSSELL, Bessie" "Inventory, $4,115.65 notes reasonably secured" 8 Dec 1905
H 469-470 "IVEY, J. W." "RUSSELL, Rayburn W." "Inventory, $4062.02 notes reasonably secured" 8 Dec 1905
H 470-471 "EDWARDS, G. G." "IVEY, J. B." Land rent 21 Dec 1905 Final settlement
H 471-472 "HERNDON, Fannie, Mrs." "HERNDON, George R., Hardy, Grover Cleveland, Leland, Grudy, Alice B., Frances, Thomas" "HERNDON, T. C., dec'd" 21 Dec 1905 "HERNDON, George R. reached majority, paid $50.00 in full"
H 472-473 "PAISLEY, R. A., trustee" "PAISLEY, L." "Sale of oats, wheat, corn" 22 Dec 1905
H 473 "PAISLEY, R. A." WOOTEN heirs Land rent 22 Dec 1905
H 473-474 "JOHNSON, Clarence" "JOHNSON, Brent" 22 Dec 1905 Paid $122.51
H 474 "REYNOLDS, Luther, Mrs." "GLENN, David" Funds from former guardian 22 Dec 1905 Due $373.92
H 475 "FUGATE, M. L., assignee" KEES Brother "Sale of effect, $765.70" 22 Dec 1905 Due $42.08
H 475-476 "FUGATE, M. L., assignee" "MORAN, J. H." Sale of effects $452.92 22 Dec 1905
H 476-477 "FUGATE, M. L., assignee" "FUQUA, Nannie, Mrs." Farm rent 22 Dec 1905
H 478 Estate settlement "SCHWARTZ, A." 22 Dec 1905