Book F
***Please note that neither the Logan County Fiscal Court, the Logan County Archives, nor the Logan County Genealogical Society agrees with the language of these records. The information is given as seen in the records of the time and shared with our members for the purpose of assisting in your genealogical search.***
The information provided here is in the following order and will be helpful when requesting copies: BK PAGE GUARDIAN WARD or ACTION HEIR OF or DECEASED DATE NOTES
F 1-2 "HARRISON, C. H." "PRICE, W. C. Jr.; due $1,570.10" "PRICE, W. C. Sr., dec'd " 29 Apr 1877 "PRICE, Sarah E., was guardian; mentions PRICE, Sterling"
F 2-4 "MOSELEY, A. M." "BROWN, James W., Catharine A., Otis, Archley, John W." "BROWN, J. W., dec'd, insurance policy" 26 June 1877 "BROWN, J. W. died, left Mom and siblings his $1,382.22; James W. due $309.23; Catherine due $275.80; Otis due $332.94; Archley due $330.47"
F 4-5 "WALKER, W. Y." "BROWN, Jno. M." not listed 26 June 1877 "Full settlement, $39.32"
F 5 "WALKER, W. Y." "WALKER, Nannie, now wife of ANDERSON, E. L." not listed 26 June 1877 "Full settlement, $165.90"
F 5-6 "BOREN, Eli, statutory guardian" "LEE, Mary A., Alonzo, James Harvey" "BARKER, Cornelius, dec'd, grandfather" 26 June 1877 $75.15 due heirs
F 6 "HADDOX, John D., statutory guardian" "COMBS, Minnie and MATTIE" "Life insurance policy of $2,723.00" 26 June 1877
F 6-7 "HARRISON, C. H." "WARDEN, John L." "McREYNOLDS, Jno. ., dec'd, former guardian" 26 June 1877 "Due $1,794.45"
F 7-9 "DAWSON, Elizabeth C., Mrs." "DAWSON, M. M." land rent 26 June 1877 Due $416.21 1/3
F 9 "RICHARDSON, S. W." "DEMPSEY, Peyton F., Mary S., Lewis B." "DEMPSEY, George M., former guardian" 26 June 1877 "Full settlement with Peyton F., $43.45; $86.90 due to Mary S. and Lewis B."
F 9-11 "HITE, John Q." "MILLIKEN, Olive, Arena Belle, Nancy, John" 26 June 1877 Full settlement with Olive for $147.47; Full for Arene Belle with $106.29; Nancy due $136.87; John due $155.25.
F 11 "DAWSON, America E., Mrs." "DAWSON, Martha E." "DAWSON, Thomas J., dec'd; land rent" 26 June 1877 "Full settlement, $201.58"
F 12 "DAWSON, America E., Mrs." "DAWSON, Julia" "DAWSON, Thomas J., dec'd; land rent" 26 June 1877 Due $201.58; tuition mentioned
F 12-13 "DAWSON, America E., Mrs." "DAWSON, John W." "DAWSON, Thomas J., dec'd; land rent" 26 June 1877 Due $201.58; tuition mentioned
F 13-14 "DAWSON, America E., Mrs." "DAWSON, Mary T." "DAWSON, Thomas J., dec'd; land rent" 26 June 1877 Due $201.58; tuition mentioned
F 14-15 "MOORE, Patsy, Mrs." "MOORE, James W., Charles T., Patsy J." $226.75 due; land rent 26 June 1877 Tuition mentioned
F 15-16 "SYDNOR, D. E." "SYDNER, James B." Land rent 26 June 1877 Tuition mentioned; $763.78 due
F 16-17 "SYDNOR, D. E." "SYDNOR, Caleb B." Land rent 26 June 1877 $763.78 due
F 17-19 "CALDWELL, H. S., Mrs." "CALDWELL, Henry M., Mattie, Andrew, Joseph, John, Jennie, all her children" Farm rent 26 June 1877 Full settlement with Henry for $129.77; Mattie due $132.25; Andrew due $298.25; Joseph due $254.71; John due $227.40; Jennie due $278.94
F 19-20 "STARKS, Georg A., resigned; BLEWITT, J. H. now guardian" "BOYD, Florence" Not listed 28 Aug 1877 "$1,583.25 in account"
F 20-21 "BLEWITT, J. H., statutory guardian" "BOYD, Florence" not listed 28 Aug 1877 "from previous guardian, $1,583.25; land rent due"
F 21 "SANDERS, Nannie S., Mrs., now GORMAN" "SANDERS, Amelia Belle" not listed 25 Sep 1877 $161.95 due
F 22 "DUNCAN, Jacob" "DUNCAN, W. H." not listed 23 Oct 1877 due $412.555
F 22-23 "DUNCAN, Jacob" "HARRIS, J. C., S. T., J. R., M. E." not listed 23 Oct 1877 Full settlement with J. C. HARRIS for $73.06p; $230.70 for other three
F 23-24 "ROBERTS, John" "RANDOLPH, Ernest L." "1/3 from HOWARD, Charles, guardian in Robertson Co., TN; settlement with RANDOLPH, Belle" 23 Oct 1877 "Medical bill to SIMMONS, G. J., Dr.; due $378.59"
F 24-25 "ROBERTS, John" "RANDILPH, George" "1/3 from HOWARD, Charles, guardian in Robertson Co., TN; settlement with RANDOLPH, Belle" 23 Oct 1877 Due $341.31
F 25-26 "ROBERTS, John" "RANDOLPH, Belle E., now STUTZ" "1/3 from HOWARD, Charles, guardian in Robertson Co., TN; settlement with RANDOLPH, Belle" 23 Oct 1877 "Full settlement with STUTZ, John H. and Belle, $358.98"
F 26-27 "WILSON, John, administrator, of former guardian" "TERRY, T. M. and J. W." "TERRY, A. J., dec'd; land rent" 23 Oct 1877 "JENKINS, T. E., Mrs. formerly TERRY"
F 27 "LOGAN, Joshua E., statutory guardian" "LOGAN, Uriah G." not listed 23 Oct 1877 Inventory of $102.50
F 27-28 "TERRY, C. T., statutory guardian" "YOUNG, George B. & J. L." not listed 23 Oct 1877 1/7 interest in 300 acres of land
F 28-30 "MASON, J. G. C." "MASON, Leslie" "mill income, ward's land and warehouse" 23 Oct 1877 "JONES, J. S. and JACKSON, T. J. tuition; balance due guardian $483.95"
F 30 "BARTON, Providence, statutory guardian" "BARTON, Margaret M." "PAGE, James A., dec'd, who was guardian" 27 Nov 1877 Due $385.15
F 31 "DeWITT, A. R., admr. of PAGE, James A., dec'd" "BARTON, Margaret M." 27 Nov 1877 "CORNELIUS, Benjamin former guardian; BARTON, Providence present guardian"
F 31-32 "MILAM, G. W." "MILAM, George W., John W., James W., Nancy" "Insurance of $1,892.30" 27 Nov 1877 "Due $1,959.45"
F 32-33 "REDFEARN, Eliza, Mrs., statutory guardian" "REDFEARN, May E., now BEATY, & REDFEARN, Ann E." no inventory 27 Nov 1877 House and 8 acres
F 33-34 "RECTOR, THORNTON" "MILLER, Minnie B., due $246.79" not listed 27 Nov 1877 "CARNEAL, Jno. H. is executor of CARNEAL, Elijah, dec'd, who was guardian of MINNIE"
F 34-35 "RECTOR, THORNTON" "MILLER, Pamelia E. " not listed 27 Nov 1877 "CARNEAL, Jno. H. is executor of CARNEAL, Elijah, dec'd, who was guardian of Pamelia"
F 35 "McADOO, Thaddias S." "JOHNSON, Elizabeth Ann, now GUFFY" 27 Nov 1877 "Full settlement with GUFFY, C. W., $378.63"
F 36 "McADOO, Thaddias S." "JOHNSON, Franklin M." 27 Nov 1877 Full settlement of $378.63
F 36-37 "HUGHES, Smith" "WILLIAMS, Leonora W." "WILLIAMS, Malinda, dec'd " 26 Dec 1877 Due $879.14
F 37-38 "FLETCHER, Elijah" "RUST, Marshall C." not listed 26 Dec 1877 Full settlement of $279.95
F 38-39 "DAWSON, J. T." "HOGAN, George L." "HOGAN, Elizabeth, grandmother" 26 Dec 1877 9 acres in inventory
F 39 "DALTON, A. D., statutory guardian" "DALTON, Georgie F., Annie Ellen, Elizabeth M." "HERNDON, J. B., dec'd, grandfather; landed estate" 26 Dec 1877 300 acres in inventory
F 39-40 "CORNELIUS, W. M." "SEARS, May J. and William" land rent; administrator Eliza SIMONS 29 Jan 1878 Mary due $32.25; William due $5.25
F 40-42 "DUNCAN, Daniel D., committee" "Duncan, William P., a lunatic" Rent from house in Russellville 29 Jan 1878 "Now in Western Lunatic Asylum; due trustee, $60.29"
F 42-44 "HADDOX, John D." "COMBS, Ella" not listed 29 Jan 1878 Due $240.91
F 44-45 "PENICK, Thomas W., resigned" "PENICK, John M., of Warren Co., KY" not listed 29 Jan 1878 "Full settlement, $1,965.45; tuition mentioned "
F 45-46 "FLOWERS, Samuel H." "FLOWERS, Sallie J., Z. T., Maggie A., Henry L., James B., George N., Dolly J." "FLOWERS, Henry L., dec'd" 29 Jan 1878 Full settlement with Sallie J. of $62.35; $374.10 for other 6
F 46-47 "LYON, P. A." "TALLY, Silas D." land rent 26 Jan 1878 Full settlement of $31.44
F 47-48 "WAGGENER, Leslie" "TURNER, John E." "TURNER, B. T., dec'd, ward's father; suit vs LATIMER, T. G." 26 Feb 1878 "$3,293.83 due"
F 48-49 "WAGGENER, Leslie" "TURNER, Lizzie" "TURNER, B. T., dec'd, ward's father; suit vs LATIMER, T. G." 26 Feb 1878 "$3,293.83 due"
F 50-51 "WAGGENER, Leslie" "TURNER, John E." "TURNER, B. T., dec'd, ward's father; suit vs LATIMER, T. G." 26 Feb 1878 "$3,293.51 due"
F 51 "MILLER, John A." "BEAUCHAMP, Thomas R." "bonds, stock; threshing machine TX land, horse sale" not listed Report ends abruptly
F 52-53 "McCALLEN, James R." "McCALLEN, Hugh, Mary, Lucy" "Insurance policy on McCALLEN, James M., dec'd" 26 Mar 1877 (sic) "1/6 to each heir, $1,575.33, Mary McCALLEN, now Mrs. C. M. GRIFFITH "
F 53-54 "GILBERT, S. M." "ORR, William A." "ORR, Susan V., dec'd, former guardian" 26 Mar 1878 Due $219.54; land rent
F 54-57 "FAWLLIN, W. P." "COLLIER, Angelina" "COLLIER, R. H., dec'd, former guardian; land sale, Negro woman sold in 1863" 26 Mar 1878 Due $4.42
F 57-59 "HUMMER, G. W." "ORNDORFF, Nellie" "1/3 of farm rent, factor rent" 23 Apr 1878 Due $267.89
F 59-60 "HUMMER, G. W." ORNDORFF Vernon "1/3 of farm rent, factor rent" 23 Apr 1878 Due guardian $348.14
F 60-61 "HUMMER, G. W." "ORNDORFF, Hummer" "1/3 of farm rent, factor rent" 23 Apr 1878 Due guardian $364.34
F 61-62 "COVINGTON, Philip W." "BERSON, John, Elijah, George" "US Govt. bounty through HAWKINS, H. S.; $195.14" 23 Apr 1878
F 62-63 "HUTCHENSON, John T." "GILMAN, Thomas E." "Estate in Davidson Co., TN" 23 Apr 1878 Due $304.03
F 63-64 "LYONE, Thomas J., committee" "WELLS, Theodosia, pauper idiot" "General assembly, $207.50, TATE, James W. treasurer" 23 Apr 1878
F 64-66 "MILLER, John A." "BEAUCHAMP, Thomas R." "bonds, stock; threshing machine TX land, horse sale" 23 July 1878 "Due $3,657.88"
F 66 "PRICE, F. M." "PRICE, Maggie" "PRICE, G. H., admr. of PRICE, E. A., dec'd, who was admr. of DUNSCOMB, D. S., dec'd" 23 July 1878 "Land rent, house and lot in Auburn"
F 67 "McGINNIS, Sarah J." "PORTER, J. H." not listed 23 July 1878 "Full settlement, $492.10"
F 67-68 "McGINNIS, Sarah J." "PORTER, Lillie P." not listed 23 July 1878 Due $451.35
F 68-69 "McGINNIS, Sarah J." "PORTER, W. F." not listed 23 July 1878 Due $585.01
F 69-70 "McGINNIS, Sarah J." "PORTER, Carrie E." not listed 23 July 1878 Due $688.09
F 70 "CORNELIUS, W. M." "SEARS, Mary J. & William" not listed 23 July 1878 "Full settlement with Mary, $22.42; William due $32.25"
F 71 "LACKEY, Sarah A., Mrs." "BAKER, Mort J." land rent 27 Aug 1878 "Full settlement, $49.55"
F 71-72 "YOST, E. A." "TUTEN, Eliza J., now Miller" pension 27 Aug 1878 "Full settlement with A. P. and Eliza J. MILLER, $149.45"
F 72-73 "HADDOX, M. Z. A., Mrs." "HADDOX, Ella now ORNDORFF" land rent 27 Aus 1878 "Full settlement with J. C. and Ella ORNDORFF, $670.60"
F 73 "CLARK, M. S." "WALLACE, Elizabeth, colored" "Suit vs MERRITT, R. H." 27 Aug 1878 Due $103.38
F 74-75 "BARCLAY, Jno. F." "ALLISON, Lizzie, now MILLEN" not listed 27 Aug 1878 "Tuition to LEE, N. H.; settlement with W. H. and Lizzie MILLEN"
F 76 "JOHNSON, William J." "JOHNSON, Elizabeth F." not listed 27 Aug 1878 Due $31.32
F 76-77 "GIBBS, George B." "GIBBS, Mary Ann (now HUGHES), John M., James T., Martha T., Lavinia" not listed 27 Aug 1878 Full settlement with Mary Ann for $65.85; others due $197.52
F 77-78 "BARKER, James B." "THOMAS, Willie and Lizzie" "BARKER, Cornelius, dec'd" 27 Aug 1878 Due $121.50
F 78-79 "MILAM, G. W., former; WILGUS, G. A., present guardian" "MILAM, John W." "MILAM, P. M., dec'd " 27 Aug 1878 "Due $578.02; SHIELDS, C. P. tuition"
F 79 "CORNELIUS, William M." "MILAM, George W." Settlement with former guardian 27 Aug 1878 Due $538.72
F 80 "CORNELIUS, William M., statutory guardian" "MILAM, George W." "MILAM, P. M., father; land on Mud River" 27 Aug 1878 Inventory $578.02
F 80 "WILGUS, George A., statutory guardian" "MILAM, Jno. W.," "MILAM, P. M., father; land on Mud River" 27 Aug 1878 Inventory $578.02
F 80-81 "MARSHALL, George F." "BROWNING, Charles D." not listed 27 Aug 1878 Due $123.90
F 81-82 "LYON, P. A." "TALLY, Samuel L." land rent 28 Aug 1878 "Full settlement, $107.45"
F 82-83 "PRICE, S. D. D." "PRICE, Samuel and Vickie" "land rent; house and lot in Auburn; DUNSCOMB, D. S., dec'd" 28 Aug 1878 Due $160.46
F 83-84 "PRICE, G. H." "PRICE, N. O." "land rent; house and lot in Auburn; DUNSCOMB, D. S., dec'd" 28 Aug 1878
F 84-85 "ROBERSON, Elizabeth R." "ROBERSON, William and Agnes" land rent 28 Aug 1878 Due $19.83 each
F 85-86 "FERGUSON, Nancy E., Mrs." "FERGUSON, Nancy E. & Martha M." land rent 28 Aug 1878 Tuition mentioned; Due $26.57 each
F 86-87 "PRINCE, Elisha" "TOWNSEND, Marion N." "TOWNSEND, Light, dec'd" 29 Aug 1878 "Full settlement, $980.84"
F 87-88 "GRIMES, Frances P., Mrs." "GRIMES, Ida H. now HARDY" "land rent; medical bills to HERNDON, J. T., Dr." 29 Aug 1878 "Tuition to Nasareth in 1875; full settlement with J. H. and Ida HARDY, $3,950.77"
F 88-89 "RYAN, George T." "RYAN, Effie A., Emma M., Robert E." land rent 29 Aug 1878 "Full settlement with G. H. & Effie FELTS, $39.75; tuition to GASWELL, J. T."
F 89-90 "HELM, S. M." "HELM, James " land rent 30 Aug 1878 Due $282.21
F 90-91 "HELM, S. M." "HELM, Mora" land rent 30 Aug 1878 Due $281.21
F 91-92 "STARKS, George A." "FUGATE, Marion L." land rent 30 Aug 1878 Full settlement of $466.55
F 92-93 "PAGE, F. M." "BAGBY, Richard" "Insurance onf BAGBY, Bennett, dec'd; land rent" 30 Aug 1878 "Tuition to HERNDON, T. C., DAWSON, J. T., WILSON, Thomas; due $2,866.92"
F 93 "TOWNSEND, T. O., statutory guardian" "BROWNING, Elbert" no assets 30 Aug 1878
F 94 "McPHERSON, Catherine, Mrs." "McPHERSON, George H." land rent 29 Oct 1878 Tuition; Due $310.58
F 94-95 "McPHERSON, Catherine, Mrs." "McPHERSON, Catharine" land rent 29 Oct 1878 Tuition; Due $350.39
F 95-96 "HARRISON, C. H." "WARDEN, John L." "from McREYNOLDS, Jno. C., former guardian, now deceased" 29 Oct 1878 "Full settlement, $2,501.00"
F 96-97 "GLASOGW, J. H." "COVINGTON, Indian and James Alice" not listed 29 Oct 1878 "Indian due $10.14; James Alice due $41.43; tuition to CHANDLER, J. S.; Medical bill to BRASHER, Elizabeth"
F 97-98 "STONE, A. F., Mrs., formerly STEWART" "STEWART, H. E." land 29 Oct 1878 Due $832.41
F 98 "STONE, A. F., Mrs., formerly STEWART" "STEWART, Marion" land 29 Oct 1878 Due $832.41
F 99 "RITCHEY, A. C., statutory guardian" "RITCHEY, John E., Flora May, Blanch" "PROCTOR, Susan D., Mrs., dec'd " 29 Oct 1878 Joe due $300.00; Flora due $50.00; Blanch due $50.00
F 99-100 "TOWNSEND, T. O." "SPENCER, Olive" Pension from US Govt. 25 Nov 1878 "Tuition to KYSER, E. T.; Medical bill to TOWNSEND; Due $980.76"
F 100-101 "RUSSELL, E. L." "RUSSELL, James B." not listed 25 Nov 1878 full settlement for $12.65
F 101-103 "GLASGOW, James H." "NEELY, Madamoiselle Monsieur (now BARROW, W. O.) & Calvin H." "NEELY, Calvin A. and Amanda, dec'd" 25 Nov 1878 Due $44.10 divided
F 103 "HALL, Jno. C., statutory guardian" "SHERRILL, Thomas, Dolly, Charles" "SHERRILL, Emily G., dec'd" 25 Nov 1878 $196.36 inventory
F 103 "FORT, T. E., statutory guardian" "FORT, Frank E., Guy E., M. F." not listed 23 Dec 1878 $200.25 inventory
F 104 "VIERS, Fannie G., Mrs., statutory guardian" "VIERS, Joseph Henry" "PROCTER, Susan, dec'd" 23 Dec 1878 $400.00 inventory
F 104-105 "CORBITT, J. A." "CLARKSON, W. N." pension 23 Dec 1878 $168.60 inventory
F 105-106 "BROWDER, W. M., former; BOOTHMAN, T. F., present guardian" "BOYER, James W." not listed 23 Dec 1878 $518.20 paid to guardian in TX
F 106-107 "EPPERSON, L. B." "LEE, William A., Albert C., Rebecca" not listed 23 Dec 1878 Full settlement with William; Albert and Rebecca due $51.45
F 107-108 "RUSH, Elvira A." "RUSH, G. A." not listed 27 Jan 1879 Due $443.05
F 108-109 "PORTER, Elizabeth, Mrs." "PORTER, Fannie, Jennie, Elias, Garnett, Thomas, Belle, Lizzie" not listed 27 Jan 1879 Tuition listed
F 109 "McINTIRE, J. G., statutory guardian" "HENDERSON, Joel C." pension 27 Jan 1879 "HENDERSON, John Calvin, father, died in service to US as soldier"
F 109-110 "GUFFY, Charles W." "JOHNSON, Franklin M." "McADOO, E. S., former guardian" 27 Jan 1879 "Full settlement, $403.44"
F 110 "MILLER, Mary A., Mrs." "MILLER, Blanch G., Miss" not listed 27 Feb 1879 "Due $8,039.37"
F 111 "MILLER, Mary A., Mrs." "MILLER, Amanda M." not listed 27 Feb 1879 "Due $8,039.37"
F 111 "PRICE, G. H., statutory guardian" "PRICE, Samuel and Vickie" "from PRICE, S. D. D., former guardian" 27 Feb 1879
F 112 "CLARK, James W., statutory guardian" "COKE, Benjamin" "bonds, land in McCracken and Jefferson Co." 24 Feb 1879
F 112 "EADES, H. L." "JOLLY, Dixie, Mary M., Thomas, Bettie" no assets 24 Sep 1866 and 24 Feb 1879
F 113 "NEAL, T. G., statutory guardian" "NEAL, Bettie, Fannie, William, Susan" "land sold in Simpson Co., KY" 24 Feb 1879 Inventory
F 113 "ROACH, John M., statutory guardian" "KIMBROUGH, Lillian T., John R., Madeline W." "insurance on KIMBROUGH, Joseph F., father, dec'd" 24 Feb 1879 inventory
F 114 "DANIEL, R. A." "BAILEY, George D., now aged 21" "BAILEY, W. F., dec'd; land rent" 24 Feb 1879 Full settlement
F 114-115 "CHILDRES, David" "BAKER, Laura" "BAKER, A. K., dec'd; land sale" 24 Feb 1879 "Due $1,057.90"
F 115 "PORTER, N. A." "SLOSS, Mary, Anna, Zue, Mortimer, Jane, Elden" not listed 24 Feb 1879 "Due $3,938.99"
F 115 "YOST, E. A." "TUTEN, J. W." pension 24 Feb 1879 Due $396.02
F 116-117 "HUGHES, Sarah D., Mrs." "HUGHES, Sallie E., now KENNEDY" not listed 24 Feb 1879 Full settlement with Sallie and Marshall KENNEY
F 117-118 "Thomas, R. Y." "HARTIS, John W." land rent 24 Feb 1879 Due $56.32
F 118 "LOGAN, J. E." "LOGAN, Uriah S." "Logan Co., KY suit" 24 Feb 1879 Due $136.47
F 118-119 "PRICE, Sarah E., Mrs." "PRICE, Sterling" "Logan Co., KY bond" 24 Feb 1879 "Due $1,108.60; tuition mentioned"
F 119-120 "READ, J. S." "COMPTON, James W." "BROWNING, P. S., former guardian" 24 Feb 1879 Due $344.90
F 120 "BROWNING, C. R." "BROWNING, George, Malvina, Edward E." sale 24 Feb 1879 Due $480.75
F 120-121 "GARRETTSON, George E." "GARRETTSON, Millard N., George W., Eddie O." "sale of house and lot in Russellville, KY" 24 Feb 1879 Full settlement with Millard of $349.19; George and Eddie due $698.38 together
F 121-122 "RYLEY, Cornelius" "CALHOUN, W. J." "land; CALHOUN, W. J., dec'd" 24 Feb 1879 Due $884.27
F 123 "SMITH, George A." "BUTT, Susan V., H. T., W. T., M. V., C., J. L, and Sampson" not listed 24 Feb 1879 Final settlement
F 123-124 "FLOWERS , James S." "EVANS, Willie, Miss" "8 shares Lo. Co., KY Bank; Russellville bonds; turnpike bonds; land rent" 24 Feb 1879 Due $453.85
F 124-126 "FLOWERS , James S." "EVANS, Nora S." "8 shares Lo. Co., KY Bank; Russellville bonds; turnpike bonds; land rent" 24 Feb 1879 Due $426.75
F 126 "BARTON, Providence, Mrs." "BARTON, Margaret M." "PAGE, James A., dec'd, was former guardian" 24 Feb 1879 Due $384.40
F 126-127 "BRISTER, H. C." "BRISTER, Frank A." not listed 24 Feb 1879 "Full settlement, $154.70"
F 127 "DIAL, Warren M." "YOUNG, Hilda N., Rufus W., Vitula E." not listed 24 Feb 1879 Total due $304.80
F 128-129 "BLEWITT, J. H." "BOYD, Florence" "STARKS, George A., former guardian; rent of clover pasture, L & N stock" 24 Feb 1879 "MOORE, E. R., tuition; Due $1,624.67"
F 129-130 "DALTON, A. D." "DALTON, Georgie F., Annie, ELLEN, Elizabeth M." "HERNDON, J. B., dec'd" 24 Feb 1879 Total due $144.25
F 130 "PRINCE, N. E., Mrs." "PRINCE, Emma B., now dec'd" not listed 24 Feb 1879 "Final settlement to mother and only heir, $2,147.75"
F 130-131 "CAMPBELL, T. W." "RODGERS, Lucy, colored" "RODGERS, Joseph, former guardian; pension" 24 Feb 1879 "Due $1,689.93"
F 131-132 "GIVENS, Henry B." "ORANGE, Bythela H., late GORDON" "SANDERS, D. C., relationship not listed" 24 Feb 1879 Settlement of $12.13
F 132 "McCARLEY, Taylor, statutory guardian" "McCARLEY, Eleanor Mary and Julia" "McCARLEY, Nannie, former guardian; 318 acres of land/ 1/6 to each; 1/6 of 1/7 of estate of McCARLEY, John" 24 Mar 1879 "also mentions McCARLEY, William, Jr., dec'd "
F 133 "GRUBBS, Martha D., statutory guardian" "GRUBBS, T. H. and Duncan" "GRUBBS, T. H., Dr., dec'd; also settlement with court" 24 Mar 1879 T. H. due $932.95; Duncan due $945.50
F 133 "LYLES, W. W., statutory guardian" "BROWN, James W., Cathrine A., Otis, Archley" "MOSELEY, A. M., former guardian" 24 Mar 1879 James due $304.25; Cathrine due $299.98; Otis due $339.13; Archley due $340.00
F 134 "McCUTCHEN, James M., statutory guardian" "McCUTCHEN, Henry" "SLAUGHTER, Eliza H., Mrs., will in Hardin Co., KY" 24 Mar 1879 "$1,500.00 due but not received"
F 134 "McCUTCHEN, James M., statutory guardian" "McCUTCHEN, Alice M." "SLAUGHTER, Eliza H., Mrs., will in Hardin Co., KY" 24 Mar 1879 "Due Hardin Co. & McCracken Co., KY bonds; not received"
F 135 "MOREHEAD, P. L., statutory guardian" "MOREHEAD, James T., M. B., T. F., M. E., E. K., and R. H." "House and lot in Gordonsville, KY; " 24 Mar 1879 Guardian to get decree to sell estate
F 135-136 "SMITH, W. W." "HERNDON, John C., heirs" "HERNDON, John C., died in service as soldier" 24 Mar 1879 Guardian to get pension; no assets
F 136-137 "BELCHER, R. G." "DUNCAN, Martha Alisar" not listed 24 Mar 1879 Due $763.92
F 137-138 "ELY, Susan, Mrs." "ELY, Lennie" "rent, house and lot in Russellville sold to LONG, N.; BRADLEY, P. N., dec'd" 24 Mar 1879 Due $251.54
F 138 "MOSELEY, A. M." "BROWN, James M." not listed 24 Mar 1879 Due $304.25
F 139 "MOSELEY, A. M." "BROWN, Cathrine A." "BROWN, James W., former guardian" 24 Mar 1879 Due $288.98
F 139-140 "MOSELEY, A. M." "BROWN, Otis" "BROWN, James W., former guardian" 24 Mar 1879 Due $339.13
F 140 "MOSELEY, A. M." "BROWN, Archley" "BROWN, James W., former guardian" 24 Mar 1879 Due $340.00
F 140-141 "JENKINS, Henry" "JENKINS, W. G., L. G., C. A., Charles A." "JENKINS, Petitia E., dec'd; WILSON, John, admr." 24 Mar 1879 Due $106.09
F 141-142 "WOOD, Sarah, Mrs." "WOOD, Sarah F., Miss" "KY Masonic Life Insurance; Wood, B. F., dec'd" 24 Mar 1879 Due $472.57
F 142 "NEWMAN, W. G." "NEWMAN, Addella" "NEWMAN, Winnifred, Mrs. former guardian" 24 Mar 1879 Due $334.34
F 143 "DOCKINS, A. H." "DOCKINS, John B." not listed 24 Mar 1879 Due $119.82
F 143-144 "HUGHES, Edward W." "BARKER, L. P., Willis H., Coni P., Etha M." "BARKER, Nancy, dec'd; BARKER, A. D., admr." 24 Mar 1879 Due $122.52
F 144-145 "DAWSON, D. C." "DAWSON, Henry L." Assets from Maryland 24 Mar 1879 Due $493.37
F 145-146 "DAWSON, D. C." "DAWSON, Fannie" Assets from Maryland 24 Mar 1879 Due $336.87
F 146-147 "McCARLEY, Nannie" "McCARLEY, Ellenor, Mary, Julia, Elizabeth, William, Nannie" "McCARLEY, William Jr., dec'd; land rent" 24 Mar 1879
F 146-147 "McCARLEY, Taylor, present guardian" "McCARLEY, Ellenor, Mary, Julia" "McCARLEY, William Jr., dec'd; land rent" 24 Mar 1879 "Full settlement, $486.97 each"
F 146-147 "McCARLEY, Taylor, present guardian" "McCARLEY, Elizabeth, William, Nannie" "McCARLEY, William Jr., dec'd; land rent" 24 Mar 1879 Due $486.97 each
F 147-148 "SIMMONS, W. S." "SIMMONS, W. E." "SPENCER, M. B., Mrs., estate" 24 Mar 1879 Due $537.85
F 148-149 "SIMMONS, W. S." "SIMMONS, Mary M." "SPENCER, M. B., Mrs., estate" 24 Mar 1879 Due $840.32
F 149-150 "WILSON, John" "WILSON, Mary W., Maria W. E" "BROWN, Mary A., dec'd; Montgomery Co., TN." 24 Mar 1879 Due $56.70
F 150-151 "WILSON, John" "WILSON, Mary W., Maria W. E" "TERRY, T. M. & J. W." 24 Mar 1879 Due $172. 75
F 151-152 "WILSON, R. G." "CHICK, Fielding, Mollie, Jimmie, Ambler, Nannie" 13 Jan 1879 "Fielding, due $31.97; Mollie, $27.99; Jimmie, $27.40; Ambler, $39.24; Nannie, $48.04"
F 152-153 "FLETCHER, Elijah" "RUST, Mary E." 24 Mar 1879 Due $369.31
F 153 "ORNDORFF, Aron" "ORNDORFF, Robert" 24 Mar 1879 "Full settlement, $461.87"
F 154 "ORNDORFF, Aron" "ORNDORFF, Eugene" 24 Mar 1879 Due $486.32
F 154-155 "GRUBBS, Martha D., Mrs." "GRUBBS, T. H." "GRUBBS, T. H., Dr., father; So. Mutual Life Ins." 24 Mar 1879 Due $932.95
F 155-156 "GRUBBS, Martha D., Mrs." "GRUBBS, Dunbar" "GRUBBS, T. H., Dr., father; So. Mutual Life Ins." 24 Mar 1879 Due $945.50
F 156 "MARRS, Josephus S., trustee" "MARRS, Pauline S., & children" 24 Mar 1879 "Due $1,506.77"
F 156-157 "SATTERFIELD, M. B." "SATTERFIELD, Abigail, Wesley, Martin B. Jr., Lucy" 24 Mar 1879 Due $131.33
F 157-170 "LONG, N." "LONG, Mattie" "Silver, bond, stock, lots in MN, KY" 28 April 1879 "Tuition to Prof. STARK, Mrs. FALL for piano usage; EISEMAN for music lessons"
F 170 "CORBETT, Joseph A." "CORBETT, Minnie S., J. W., Empey" 28 April 1879 tuition mentioned
F 170-171 "CLARK, M. S." "WALLACE, Thomas" 28 April 1879 Due $116.66
F 171 "CLARK, M. S." "WALLACE, Nancy" 28 April 1879 Due $116.66
F 172 "HARDY, A. J., Mrs." "HARDY, R. M." 28 April 1879 Due $741.35
F 172-173 "HARDY, A. J., Mrs." "HARDY, E. E., Miss" 28 April 1879 Due 999.62
F 173 "HIGHTOWER, M. D., committee" "BOWMAN, Robert, an idiot" "from SALMONS, R. D., trustee for BOWMAN, John heirs" 28 April 1879 "Full settlement, $640.25"
F 174 "JARRETT, J. J., statutory guardian" "JARRETT, W. E., 19 years old" "JARRETT, W. W., dec'd, $20.00; Williamson Co., TN" 28 April 1879
F 174 "RUTHERFORD, George S., statutory guardian" "RUTHERFORD, Henry W." "OWENS, Catharine, Mrs., dec'd" 28 April 1879 $300.00
F 175 "ROWLEY, J. R." "GARDNER, Mary A., William E., Elvira A." To collect US govt. pension in 1874 26 May 1879 Nothing received yet
F 175 "HARRISON, C. H., statutory guardian" "COCKE, B. T." "Railroad bonds, real estate, land rent in Jefferson Co., KY" 26 May 1879
F 176 "MERRIFIELD, N. B." "HARDING, Leonidas M." 26 May 1879 Due $44.50
F 176-177 "DUNCAN, Jacob" "DUNCAN, W. h." 26 May 1879 Due $411.95; tuition and medicine
F 177-178 "DUNCAN, Jacob" "HARRIS, S. T., J. R., M. E." 26 May 1879 "HARRIS, S. T., full settlement $79.48; $167.32 due other two"
F 178 "SUTTON, George F." "WILLIAMS, Jesse" 26 May 1879 "Full settlement, $96.54"
F 178-179 "HARRISON, C. H." "PRICE, W. C. Jr." "Railroad stock; assets from PRICE, Sarah E." 26 May 1879 "Due $1,449.49"
F 179-180 "LEE, c. P." "LEE, Elizabeth D., Louisa S., Rosa E." Notes due 26 May 1879 "Tuition to BOYD, Jno. R., Due $1,179.28"
F 181 "SANDERS, Alex" "SANDERS, Petty" 26 May 1879 "Full settlement, $213.34"
F 182-183 "CLARK, James W." "COOK, Ben T." "Notes, railroad bonds" 26 May 1879 "WAGGENER, Leslie tuition; full settlement, $626.50"
F 183-185 "GILBERT, W. O." "HUTCHISON, John N." "Land rent, railroad stock" 26 May 1879 "STINNETT, J. F., tuition; Due $1,543.80"
F 185-186 "HITE, John Q." "MILLIKEN, John" 26 May 1879 Due $121.63
F 186-187 "McLEMORE, J. H." "McLEMORE, C. M." "HALL, James mentioned" 26 May 1879 "Full settlement, $33.56"
F 187-188 "BOYD, John F." "BOYD, Ada" 26 May 1879 "Due $1,359.48"
F 188-189 "MILLS, Levi" "MILLS, William, Caya L., Floyd B." 26 May 1879 Tuition mentioned; Due $356.90
F 189-190 "CHICK, Ambler R., trustee" "CHICK, Milton S., dec'd, 4 children" "Due $1,489.92" 26 May 1879 "CHANDLER, J. S. and WARDEN, Sarie, Mrs., tuition"
F 190 "JACKSON, William J." "JOHNSON, Elizabeth F., now CARTER, W. B., Mrs." 26 May 1879 "Full settlement, $28.73"
F 191 "SMALL, J. B., statutory guardian" "BROWDER, J. S., Mattie G., Mary H., Minnie H., Sallie B., Richard C., Arthur C., W. W." "KY Masonic Mutual Life Ins., BROWDER, R. C., dec'd" 23 June 1879
F 191-192 "GILBERT, S. M." "ORR, William A." 23 June 1879 "Full settlement, $196.95"
F 192 "FRESH, Benjamin" "FRESH, Mary E., now VANARSDALE, C. W., Mrs." "LOGAN, Wiley, grandfather in Coles Co., IL; " 23 June 1879 "Full settlement, $304.25"
F 192-193 "RICE, B. F., statutory guardian" "BRADFORD, Larkin" "Inventory for BRADFORD, T., K., dec'd, from Holly Springs, MS" 28 July 1879
F 193 "DICKEY, L. E., statutory guardian" "DICKEY, Fannie E., Ellen M., Milinda H." 28 July 1879 Due $30.00
F 194 "STEWART, J. W., statutory guardian" "BROWNING, Charles D." "MARSHALL, George F., late guardian" 28 July 1879 Due $120.82
F 194 "ARNOLD, George F., statutory guardian" "MILAM, James W., Nancy J." "Milam, James W., dec'd; MILAM, P. M., dec'd; MILAM, G. W., admr." 28 July 1879
F 195 "MARSHALL, George F." "BROWNING, Charles D." "STEWART, J. W., present guardian" 28 July 1879 "$120.82, full settlement"
F 195-197 "SMITH, James S." "DUFFY, Frankie, Miss" "ORNDORFF's E., admr.; rent, sale of property in Springfield, TN" 28 July 1879 Due $555.77
F 197-198 "SMITH, James S." "DUFFY, Thomas" "ORNDORFF's E., admr.; rent, sale of property in Springfield, TN" 28 July 1879
F 198-199 "SMITH, James S." "MASON, Paul" "Land sold, crops sold" 28 July 1879 "Due guardian, $45.11"
F 199-200 "SMITH, James S." "MASON, Daniel" "Land sold, crops sold" 28 July 1879 "Due guardian, $27.23"
F 200-201 "BOREN, Eli" "BOREN, Mary A. now CHOAT, Thomas, Mrs., Alonzo L., James H." "BARKER, Cornelius, dec'd" 28 July 1879 "Settlement with Mary A., 486.13; $57.42 due to Alonzo and James"
F 201-203 "CALDWELL, H. S., Mrs., her children" "CALDWELL, Henry M., Mattie L, Andrew J., Joseph, John, Virginia N." 28 July 1879 "Full settlement with Henry, $144.40; Due Mattie $148.22, Andrew $333.10, Joseph $285.27, John $253.74, Virginia, $311.47"
F 203 "MILAM, G. W." "MILAM, James M. & Nancy J." "MILAM, P. M., dec'd" 28 July 1879 "Due $1,353.45"
F 204 "HUTCHESON, John T." "PRICE, Dora" "HUTCHESON, Clendenon, dec'd, KY Masonic Insurance" 28 July 1879 $220.50
F 204-205 "BROWNING, A. M." "BROWNING, W. D." "BROWNING, Isaac, dec'd, Sutton, George F., admr." 28 July 1879 "Due guardian, $3.37"
F 205-207 "HADDOX, John D." "COMBS, Minnie" 1/2 KY Masonic Life Insurance 28 July 1879 "COMBS, Sue, BROWN, J. A., MILLIKEN, L. O., tuition bills; Due $1,247.35"
F 207-208 "HADDOX, John D." "COMBS, Mattie" 1/2 KY Masonic Life Insurance 28 July 1879 "Due $1,270.83"
F 208-209 "HADDOX, John D., admr. COMBS, John W., dec'd" "COMBS, Minnie" "COMBS, John W., dec'd, former guardian" 28 July 1879 Due $265.55
F 209 "HADDOX, John D., admr. COMBS, John W., dec'd" "COMBS, Mattie" "COMBS, John W., dec'd, former guardian" 28 July 1879 Due 252.85
F 209-210 "SMITH, J., S." "MASON, Fannie" Rent of land 28 July 1879 "Full settlement, $23.28"
F 210-212 "HITE, John Q." "MILLIKEN, N." 28 July 1879 "Full settlement, $81.29; 1/2 tax paid"
F 212 "RICE, B. F." "BRADFORD, Larkin" "BRADFORD, T. K., dec'd, Holly Springs, MS" 28 July 1879 Due $297.18
F 213 "BOWDEN, James H." "PARHAM, Sally" "Jarvis, E. D., 1/2 amount received; also from PARHAM, Minerva" 28 July 1879 "Due $86.51; bill to PERRY, M. R., Dr."
F 213-214 "BOWDEN, James H." "PARHAM, Jeff D." "Jarvis, E. D., 1/2 amount received; also from PARHAM, Minerva" 28 July 1879 Due $107.08
F 214-215 "WAGGENER, Leslie" "TURNER, Eddie, Miss now YOUNG, J. F., Mrs." 25 Aug 1879 "Due $3,034.63"
F 215-216 "WAGGENER, Leslie" "TURNER, John E." 25 Aug 1879 "Due $3,269.93"
F 216 "WAGGENER, Leslie" "TURNER, Lizzie" 25 Aug 1879 "Due $3,752.55"
F 217 "MILLER, M. A." "MILLER, Blanch G. & Amanda M." "Move to son Co., TN where MILLER is still guardian" 25 Aug 1879 "Each due $8,039.37"
F 217 "LASWELL, James" "LASWELL, Douglas" 18 Sept 1879 "Full settlement, $830.19"
F 218 "CORNELIUS, W. W." "MILAM, George W." "Former guardian, MILAM, G. W., admr. MILAM, P. M. & MILAM, Jervis, dec'd" 22 Sept 1879 Due $789.39
F 218-219 "WILGUS, George A." "MILAM, John W." "Former guardian, MILAM, G. W., admr. MILAM, P. M. & MILAM, Jervis, dec'd" 22 Sept 1879 Due $751.68
F 219-220 "EWING, Betty, Mrs., statutory guardian" "EWING, Susan Moss" "No assets from EWING, Clay, dec'd, father" 30 Oct 1879
F 220 "BEAUCHAMP, R. B." "TISDALE, Capitola" "1/6 of acreage, household equipment, hogs" 30 Oct 1879
F 220-221 "CLARK, M. S." "WALLACE, Thomas" 30 Oct 1879 "Full settlement, $120.91"
F 221 "DAWSON, George W." "DAWSON, Mildred D." Rent of land 30 Oct 1879 "full settlement, $107.79"
F 222 "YOUNG, John T., admr." "MILLS, Vickie, Gabie, Joseph, Augusta" "Mills, John, dec'd, was previous guardian" 24 Nov 1879 Due $234.68
F 222-224 "MILLS, John A." "BEAUCHAMP, Thomas R." "Bonds on Madison and Grayson Co., KY" 24 Nov 1879 "Due, $3,226.38"
F 224-225 "HUGHES, Smith" "WILLIAMS, Lenora W." 24 Nov 1879 "Due $1,511.81"
F 225 "DANCE, Thomas P." "DANCE, S. T." 24 Nov 1879 "Full settlement, $330.00"
F 226 "EWING, George W., statutory guardian" "TOWNSEND, Claude Ewing" "Inventory $1,000.00 not received" 24 Nov 1879
F 226 "HIGHTOWER, M. D., committee" "BOWMAN, Robert, idiot" 22 Dec 1879 "Full settlement, $105.00"
F 227 "HARRISON, C. H., trustee" "DICKERSON, C. B., Mrs., now dec'd, nee WILLIAMS" "Due to WILLIAMS, Mrs. Mollie, wife of S. G., daughter of Mrs. DICKERSON" 22 Dec 1879 $606.63 full settlement
F 228-229 "BROWDER, W. F." "BROWDER, Fannie I." "BROWDER, E., E., dec'd, former guardian" 22 Dec 1879 "STARKS, A. B., tuition"
F 229 "BROWDER, Thomas E." "BROWDER, R. D." no funds 22 Dec 1879
F 229 "YOUNG, C. T." "YOUNG, Robert B., James L." "YOUNG, G. L., dec'd; railroad stock" 22 Dec 1879 Due $599.61
F 230 "BEAUCHAMP, R. B." "TISDALE, Capitola, now BEAUCHAMP, Eugene E., Mrs." "TISDALE, William, dec'd; hogs sole" 22 Dec 1879 "full settlement, $59.50"
F 231 "HITE, John Q." "MILLIKEN, Jno." "DAWSON, Jno. D., now guardian" 3 Nov 1879 Due $117.50
F 231 "DAWSON, Jno. D., statutory guardian" "MILLIKEN, Jno." 22 Dec 1879 Due $117.50
F 232 "JACKSON, J. B., statutory guardian" "HILLIARD, Hattie" Cash and notes due 22 Dec 1879
F 232-233 "TRAINER, W. R., statutory guardian" "TRAINER, W. B. & J. M." "Mrs. E. HUDSON, dec'd, grandmother; land sold" 22 Dec 1879 Due $207.28
F 233 "HALL, John C." "SHERRILL, Thomas, Dolly, Charles" "SHERRILL, Emily C., Mrs., dec'd" 26 Jan 1880 Due $201.00
F 234 "FORT, T. E." "FORT, Frank T., Guy E., M. F." "TOWNSEND, P. E., guardian of TOWNSEND, Bettie, dec'd" 26 Jan 1880 $200.25 due
F 234-235 "EVANS, Rebecca T., Mrs." "EVANS, Mattie" "EVANS, S. K., insurance" 26 Jan 1880 "Full settlement, $445.03"
F 235-236 "EVANS, Rebecca T., Mrs." "EVANS, Julia " "EVANS, S. K., insurance" 26 Jan 1880 Due $445.03
F 236 "CALDWELL, H. S., Mrs." "CALDWELL, Mattie L." 26 Jan 1880 "Full settlement, $150.96"
F 236-237 "EDWARDS, George T." "EDWARDS, George B. & James C." 26 Jan 1880 "Full settlement, $5,575.13"
F 237-238 "CHILDRES, David" "BAKER, Laura A." 26 Jan 1880 "Full settlement, $1,000.00"
F 238 "LONG, Mary T." "LONG, Ines E., Joanna M., Mattie L., Willie B., Lutitia L., Ella L." Land rented 26 Jan 1880
F 239 "DAVIS, Martha E." "DAVIS, Fannie" auburn house and lot; rent 26 Jan 1880 Due $680.00
F 240-241 "DAWSON, E. C., Mrs." "DAWSON, Mattie M., Miss" Land rent; assets from MD 26 Jan 1880 "Tuition to BLAKEY, C., H.; Due $493.68"
F 241 "PROCTOR, J. C." "PROCTOR, E. C., and Nora" 26 Jan 1880 Due $151.20
F 241-242 "BROWDER, W. F" "BROWDER, E. M." "BROWDER, E. M., (female) admr." 26 Jan 1880 Full settlement
F 242-243 "RYAN, George T." "RYAN, Alonzo & Annie" Rent 26 Jan 1880 Tuition paid
F 244 "CORNELIUS, William M." "MILAM, George W." "LAMB, Robert, present guardian" 26 Jan 1880 Due $771.85
F 244-245 "LAMB, Robert R., statutory guardian" "MILAM, George W." "CORNELIUS, William M., late guardian" 26 Jan 1880 "Inventory, $771.85"
F 245 "DAWSON, Annie E., Mrs." "DAWSON, John W., Julia D., Mary T." Land rent 26 Jan 1880 "DAWSON, America E., tuition; Due $605.74"
F 246 "SIMMONS, W. S." "SIMMONS, W. S." 26 Jan 1880 "Full settlement, $575.25"
F 246-247 "STARKS, George A." "FUGATE, Henry" Land rental 26 Jan 1880 Tuition mentioned; Due $342.38
F 247 "STARKS, George A." "FUGATE, John" Land rental 26 Jan 1880 Due $342.38
F 248 "EWING, Bettie" "EWING, S. Mossie" 26 Jan 1880
F 248-249 "SYDNOR, David E." "SYDNOR, Caleb A." Land; Missouri bonds 23 Feb 1880 Full settlement $613.78
F 249-250 "SYDNOR, David E." "Land; Missouri bonds; SYDNOR, Thomas B., present guardian" 23 Feb 1880 Due $613.78
F 250-251 "SUTTON, George F." "SUTTON, James T. & Nancy L." "SUTTON, D. T., estate" 23 Feb 1880 Due $280.48
F 251-252 "SMITH, James B." "DUFFY, Frankie, Miss" Rent 23 Feb 1880 "Full settlement, $491.02"
F 252 "SMITH, J. S." "MASON, Paul" "Assets from MASON, Paul" 23 Feb 1880 "Full settlement, 0 funds"
F 253 "SYDNOR, Thomas B., statutory guardian" "SYDNOR, James B." "SYDNOR, David E., mentioned; 1/2 interest in 164 acres" 23 Feb 1880
F 253 "BROWDER, Wilbur F., statutory guardian" "JOHNSON, Richard" "TERRY, G., former guardian; pension" 23 Feb 1880 Due $173.95
F 254 "BROWDER, Wilbur F., statutory guardian" "JOHNSON, J. T." "No assets received; THOMAS, M. W., former guardian" 23 Feb 1880
F 254 "MILLER, John A." "BEAUCHAMP, Thomas R." "Grayson and Madison Co., KY bonds" 22 March 1880 "Due $3,169.04"
F 255 "CHANDLER, James T." "HUNDLEY, Samuel J., Georgie R., Thomas G." "HUNDLEY, Benjamin P., dec'd, father" 22 March 1880 "FIELDS, Robert E., admr. Of Marshall Co., TN"
F 256 "TOWNSEND, T. O." "BROWNING, Elbert" "Property in Sumner Co., TN" 22 March 1880 No assets
F 256-258 "HUMMER, G. W." "ORNDORFF, Nellie" Rent 26 April 1880 Due $273.15
F 258-259 "HUMMER, G. W." "ORNDORFF, Hummer" 20 Feb 1880 Due $325.08
F 259-260 "HUMMER, G. W." "ORNDORFF, Vernon" 20 Feb 1880 Due $282.35
F 260-261 "McCARLEY, Taylor" "McCARLEY, Elleanor, Mary, Julia" "McCARLEY, Nannie, Mrs., former guardian; land rent" 26 Apr 1880 Due $511.89
F 261-262 "RECTOR, Thornton" "MILLER, Parmelia" 2 March 1880 Due $263.11
F 162-163 "RECTOR, Thornton" "MILLER, Minnie B." 26 Apr 1880 Due $275.16
F 263-264 "COVINGTON, P. W." "BEASON, John, Elijah, George" 26 Apr 1880 Due $126.49
F 264 "SHELTON, W. P." "SHELTON, Cue A. Marion" "RILEY, T. M., guardian in Todd Co., KY" 26 Apr 1880 No assets
F 264-265 "FLOWERS, Samuel H." "FLOWERS, Z. T., Maggie A., Henry S., Janice B., George H., Dolly J." 24 May 1880 Due $424.00
F 265-266 "SMALL, James B." "BROWDER, J. S., Mattie G., Mary H., Minnie H., Sallie B., Richard C., Arthur C., W. W." "KY Mutual Life Insurance; BROWDER, R. C., dec'd, father" 24 May 1880 "Due $1,329.60"
F 266 "BABB, John A., statutory guardian" "BABB, Gilbert" "BABB, P. P., dec'd; 70 acres" 24 May 1880 No assets received
F 266-268 "OWENS, M. C., trustee" "OWENS, William T." Sale of stock 28 June 1880 "Final settlement, 0 funds transferred"
F 269-270 "PRICE, F. M." "PRICE, Maggie E." Rent 28 July 1880 Due $123.96
F 270-271 "GILBERT, W. O." "HUTCHESON, John N." Land rent 28 May 1880 "Full settlement, $1,000.60"
F 271-272 "FLETCHER, Elijah" "RUST, Mary E., Miss" 28 June 1880 Due $281.06
F 272-273 "McCUTCHEN, James M." "McCUTCHEN, Harvey" "SLAUGHTER, Eliza H., Mrs., dec'd, Hardin Co." 26 July 1880 "Due $1,496.00; tuition mentioned"
F 273-274 "McCUTCHEN, James M." "McCUTCHEN, Alice L." "SLAUGHTER, Eliza H., Mrs., dec'd, Hardin Co." 26 July 1880 "Due $1,591.50"
F 274-275 "BROWNING, F. M." "ROBERTSON, W. D." 26 July 1880 "Due $19,38"
F 275 "BROWNING, F. M." "ROBERTSON, Robert" 26 July 1880 Due $15.08
F 276 "HUTCHESON, John J." "GILMAN, Thomas E." 26 June (sic) 1880 Due $272.05
F 276-277 "YOUNG, Adaline, Mrs., now HUFFHINES" "YOUNG, Hury" "Land sale, BLAKEY, C. H., present guardian" 26 July 1880 Due $263.65
F 277-278 "YOUNG, Adaline, Mrs., now HUFFHINES" "YOUNG, William S." 26 July 1880 Due $265.10
F 278 "BLAKEY, C. H., statutory guardian" "YOUNG, William S. & Hury" 26 July 1880
F 279 "RITCHEY, A. C." "RITCHEY, John E., Flora May, Blanch" "PROCTOR, Susan D., dec'd, DARBY, John C., executor" 26 July 1880 John E. due $327.80; Flora May due $53.17; Blanch due $53.17
F 280 "BIBB, W. a., statutory guardian" "PEART, Willie & Zachariah" 26 July 1880 No asset
F 280-282 "HARRISON, C. H." "COCKE, Benjamin T., now deceased" "CLARK, James W., former guardian" 23 Aug 1880 "Assets of $4,757.75"
F 282-283 "McCARTY, Abbie, Mrs." "McCARTY, Sadie, Lida, Mary, Mattie" Sale house and lot in Auburn 23 Aug 1880 tuition mentioned
F 283-284 "GLASGOW, John H." "NEELY, Monsiur & Calvin H." Rent 23 Aug 1880 "Monsiur, full settlement of $28.19; Calvin due $28.19"
F 284-285 "CORNELIUS, W. M." "SEARS, William" "Land rent, sale of oats; Corn rent at $2.50 an acre" 23 Aug 1880 Due $21.61
F 285 "SAUNDERS, Nannie J., Mrs., now Mrs. GARMAN" "SAUNDERS, Aurelia Belle" 23 Aug 1880 Due $189.60
F 285-286 "CALDWELL, H. M." "MILLS, Augusta, Gabrella, Joseph, Victoria" "MILLS, John Sr., dec'd" 23 Aug 1880
F 286 "CHANDLER, J. W., statutory guardian" "SAWYERS, William T." Became guardian to get pension for ward 23 Aug 1880 No asset
F 286-287 "SMITH, James S." "MASON, Leslie" "Mill proceeds, land rent, corn sold" 27 Sept 1880 "Due to guardian, $16.32"
F 288-289 "PRICE, G. h." "PRICE, Nannie O." "PRICE, E. A. estate; farm rent; store rent" 27 Sept 1880
F 289-291 "PRICE, G. H." "PRICE, Samuel & Vickie" "PRICE, D. D., former guardian; store rent" 27 Sept 1880 "FROGGE, Sam., tuition; each due $271.61"
F 291 "JACKSON, J. B." "HILLIARD, Hattie" 27 Sept 1880 Due $550.48
F 292 "ROBERTS, Joseph" "RANDOLPH, George" 27 Sept 1880 Due $285.60
F 292-293 "ROBERTS, Joseph" "RANDOLPH, Ernest L." 27 July 1880 "Full settlement, $380.20"
F 293-294 "NEAL, Thomas G." "NEAL, Bettie, Fannie, William, Susan, Minnie" "Land sold in Simpson Co., KY; NEAL, Edward, dec'd" 27 Sept 1880 Due $101.35
F 294-295 "GIBBS, George B." "GIBBS, James T., Martha F., Louiza" 27 Sept 1880 "James full settlement, $72.42; others due $144.85"
F 295-296 "FERGUSON, Nancy E., Mrs." "FERGUSON, Nancy E. Martha M." Land rent 27 Sept 1880 Due $26.57
F 296 "WATKINS, Fannie, Mrs., former VIERS" "VIERS, Joseph & Henry" "PROCTER, Susan D. estate" 27 Sept 1880 Due $463.72
F 297 "BARKER, James B." "THOMAS, Willie & Lizzie" 27 Sept 1880 Due $136.56
F 297-298 "RUTHERFORD, George W." "RUTHERFORD, Henry W." "OWENS, Cathrine, dec'd" 27 Sept 1880 "MORTON, J. H., RUTHERFORD, George S., tuitions"
F 298 "RICHARDSON, S. W." "DEMPSEY, Mary S., RICHARDSON, Lewis B., formerly DEMPSEY" 27 Sept 1880 Due $103.25
F 299 "BLAKEY, George T." "DRAKE, A. C." 27 Sept 1880 "Full settlement, 452.93"
F 299-300 "CLARK, T. C." "GROSS, Ann E." Became guardian to help get pension 27 Sept 1880 No assets
F 300 "WILSON, C. H., statutory guardian" "MACY, Mamie" Became guardian to help get land warrant 27 Sept 1880 No assets
F 300 "EWING, George W." "TOWNSEND, Claude Ewing" "$1,000.00 not received yet" 27 Sept 1880
F 301 "BROWDER, W. R., statutory guardian" "SYDNOR, Laura" "Mason Mutual Life Ins. $228.33; $20 from CORNELIUS, Henry; 1/6 of SYDNOR, D. E., dec'd" 27 Sept 1880
F 302 "HUNTER, Kate E., Mrs., statutory guardian" "HUNTER, James A., Jacob P., Maggie A., Rebecca E., Lalie E., Johnnie K." Insurance policy 27 Sept 1880 "Due $1, 333.33"
F 302 "JAMES, Austin, statutory guardian" "JAMES, Lucy Lilban & John W. BLAND" 27 Sept 1880 Due $8.16
F 303 "JAMES, Austin, statutory guardian" "JAMES, Emily & Nelson" 27 Sept 1880 Due $8.16
F 303 "JAMES, Austin, statutory guardian" "JAMES, Maria & Clara" 27 Sept 1880 Due $8.16
F 303-304 "SYDNOR, T. B., statutory guardian" "SYDNOR, E., W." Masonic Life Insurance 27 Sept 1880 Due $228.33
F 304-308 "PORTER, Elizabeth, Mrs." "PORTER, Fannie, Jennie, Elias, Garnett, Thomas, Belle, Lizzie" 25 Oct 1880 Fannie full settlement $697.33; Jennie $498.84; Elias $575.53; Garnett $624.21; Thomas $637.66; Belle $648.03; Lizzie $664.73
F 308-309 "MOSELEY, A. M., late guardian" "BROWN, James W., Catharine A., Otis, Archley" 27 Dec 1880
F 309-310 "LYLES, W. W." "BROWN, James W." "MOSELEY, A. M., former guardian" 27 Dec 1880 Due $202.66
F 310-311 "LYLES, W. W." "BROWN, Catharine A." "MOSELEY, A. M., former guardian" 27 Dec 1880 Due $211.90
F 311-312 "LYLES, W. W." "BROWN, Archley" "MOSELEY, A. M., former guardian" 27 Dec 1880 Due $285.97
F 313-314 "LYLES, W. W." "BROWN, Otis" "MOSELEY, A. M., former guardian" 27 Dec 1880 Due $268.15
F 314 "HUGHES, Smith" "WILLIAMS, Lenora W." "DICKASON, C. B., Mrs., dec'd" 27 Dec 1880 Due $683.05
F 314-315 "JACKSON, John B., statutory guardian" "HILLIARD, Hattie" "DICKASON, C. B., Mrs., dec'd" 27 Dec 1880
F 315 "HUGHES, John W., statutory guardian" "HUGHES, Monroe S., Emma R." "1/11 of HUGHES, Daniel L., dec'd; HUGHES, Martha A., mother, dec'd" 27 Dec 1880 No assets yet
F 315-316 "PAGE, Mary J., statutory guardian" "PAGE, L. F., Luella" "PAGE, James A., dec'd; land" 22 Nov 1880 Due $15.55
F 316 "FUGATE, Hester" "FUGATE, Lucy J." 22 Nov 1880 "Full settlement, $534.70"
F 317 "FUGATE, Hester" "FUGATE, Jefferson" 22 Nov 1880 Due $325.00
F 317-318 "FUGATE, Hester" "FUGATE, Sallie" Land rent 22 Nov 1880 Due $271.30; tuition mentioned
F 318-319 "McGINNIS, Sarah J." "PORTER, Lillie P." 22 Nov 1880 "HALSEL, J. M., tuition; Due $352.95"
F 319 "McGINNIS, Sarah J." "PORTER, Frank" 22 Nov 1880 "Due, $578.14"
F 319-320 "McGINNIS, Sarah J." "PORTER, Carrie E." 22 Nov 1880 "Due, $717.75"
F 320 "Hummer, G. W." "ORNDORFF, Nellie, Vernon, Hummer" "ORNDORFF, E. Q., dec'd, 228 acres" 22 Nov 1880
F 321-322 "PAGE, F. M." "BAGBY, Richard" Land rent 22 Nov 1880 "SMITH, Benjamin H. & ROBINSON, William, tuition"
F 322-323 "BAILEY, Johnathan R., trustee" "HODGES, George W." "HODGES, Jesse, dec'd; children of HODGES, Willis" 22 Nov 1880 Due $54.60
F 323-324 "BAILEY, J. R., trustee" "HODGES, Willis, children of" 22 Nov 1880 Due $2.75
F 324-325 "CHANEY, James S." "CHANDLER, Elizabeth & Ellen" "EMBROS, Lucius guardian in Gibson Co., IN; CHANDLER, John dec'd" 25 Oct 1880
F 325-326 "BOYD, John F." "BOYD, Ada, now ORNDORFF" "Land rent, sale of clover" 25 Oct 1880 "Due $1,493.65"
F 326-327 "WILSON, John" "TERRY, T. M." Rent of land 25 Oct 1880 Due $101.05
F 327-328 "HUGHES, Edward W." "BARKER, Willis H., Commodore P., Ettie M." "Land sale; BARKER, C., dec'd" 25 Oct 1880 Due $318.12
F 328-329 "WELLS, Elizabeth" "WELLS, Hattie, Eva, Amelia" 25 Oct 1880
F 329 "BROWN, Rebecca T., Mrs., statutory guardian" "BROWN, Hubert L & George A. W." 25 Oct 1880 Due $902.00
F 330 "BROWDER, W. F." "COOPER, Mattie" Became guardian to consent to marriage 24 Jan 1881 No assets
F 331-332 "HADDOX, John D." "COMBS, Minnie" Continental Life Insurance 24 Jan 1881 "Due $1,226.31; LACKEY, Eddie & STARK, A. B., tuition"
F 332-334 "HADDOX, John D." "COMBS, Mattie" Continental Life Insurance 24 Jan 1881 "Due $1,481.55"
F 334-335 "GARRETSON, George E." "GARRETSON, George W., Eddie O." 24 Jan 1881 George full settlement of $387.04; Eddie due $387.04
F 335 "HUGHES, John W." "HUGHES, Volney, Emma A., Monroe S., Martha Ann" 24 Jan 1881 Volney full settlement $78.60; $148.07 for other two wards
F 336 "ROACH, John M." "KIMBROUGH, Lillian T., John R., Malinda W." "KIMBROUGH, Joseph F., father, dec'd; Masonic Life Ins." 24 Jan 1881 "Also ANDREWS, N. B., dec'd with JOHNSON, J. H., admr."
F 337 "DAWSON, J. T." "HOGAN, George L." Rent 24 Jan 1881 "DAWSON, J. T., tuition; Due $118.40"
F 337 "MABEN, Thomas N." "TATUM, J. K." Became guardian to consent to marriage No assets
F 338 "WILLCUTT, John W., statutory guardian" "CHAPMAN, Margaret" Became guardian to consent to marriage 7 Aug 1880
F 338-339 "WAGGONER, Leslie" "TURNER, Jno. E." 28 Feb 1881 "Full settlement, $3,175.27"
F 339-340 "DAWSON, John D." "MILLIKEN, John W." "HITE, John Q., former guardian" 28 Feb 1881 Due $40.61
F 340 "DAWSON, D. C." "DAWSON, Henry L." 28 Feb 1881 Due $546.14
F 340-341 "DALTON, A. D." "DALTON, George F., Annie, Ellen Elizabeth M." 28 Jan 1881 Due $304.55
F 341-342 "BABB, Jno. A." "BABB, Gilbert" "BABB, P. P., dec'd; land rent" 22 Feb 1881 Due $91.06
F 342 "McPHERSON, Catharine, Mrs." "McPHERSON, Catharine" Land rent 28 Feb 1881 Due $329.96
F 343 "McPHERSON, Catharine, Mrs." "McPHERSON, George H." Land rent 28 Feb 1881 Due $387.03
F 343-344 "ANDERSON, W. J., statutory guardian" "WOODALL, William T." Became guardian to consent to marriage 28 Feb 1881
F 344-353 "LONG, N." "LONG, Mattie, now Mrs. DeGRAFFENRIED" 25 Apr 1881 "Full settlement, $11,669.73"
F 353-355 "FLOWERS, James S." "EVANS, Willie, Miss" "Bond on Russellville, Calloway Co., Johnson Co., MO, bank stock" 25 Apr 1881 Due $682.74
F 355-357 "FLOWERS, James S." "EVANS, Nora" "Bond on Russellville, Calloway Co., Johnson Co., MO, bank stock" 25 Apr 1881 Due $564.79
F 357-358 "DUNCAN, Jacob" "DUNCAN, W. H." 25 Apr 1881 Due $430.30
F 358 "MARRS, Josephus S., trustee" "MARRS, Paulina S., Mrs. And children" 25 Apr 1881 "Due $1,506.77"
F 359 "LYON, Thomas J." "WELLS, Theodosia, pauper idiot" Court allowance 25 Apr 1881 County farm payment; no funds remain
F 359-360 "ELY, Susan, Mrs." "ELY, Lennie, Miss" 25 Apr 1881 Due $278.50
F 360-361 "LAMB, R. R." "MILAM, George W." "Cornelius, former guardian; MILAM, P. W., dec'd" 25 Apr 1881
F 361-362 "DICKEY, Levi E." "DICKEY, Fannie E., Ellen M., Melinda D" "PROCTER, S. D., Mrs., dec'd" 25 Apr 1881 Tuition mentioned
F 362 "LYLES, W. W." "BROWN, Catharine A., now DORR, John, Mrs." 25 Apr 1881 "Full settlement, $161.70"
F 363 "CLARK, M. S." "WALLACE, Nancy" 25 Apr 1881 Due $111.42
F 363-364 "HARRISON, C. H." "PRICE, W. C." 25 Mar 1881 "Due, $1,371.04"
F 364-365 "DUNCAN, Jacob" "HARRIS, J. R. & M. E." 25 Apr 1881 "Full settlement of $87.12 for J. R.; M. E., due $91.72"
F 365-366 "BELCHER, R. G." "DUNCAN, Martha Alifar" 25 Apr 1881 Due $609.74
F 366 "READ, J. S." "COMPTON, James W." 25 Apr 1881 Due $380.05
F 367 "TRAINER, W. R." "TRAINER, W. B. & J. M." "HUDSON, Mrs. E., dec'd" 25 Apr 1881 Due $216.08
F 367-368 "SAFFARRANS, W. D., statutory guardian" "TAYLOR, Sterling B." $125.00 from falling down brick house 25 Apr 1881
F 368-369 "CAMPBELL, T. W." "ROGERS, Lucy" 23 May 1881 "Due $1,965.96"
F 369-371 "LEE, C. P." "LEE, E. D., L. S., R. E." 23 May 1881 "Due $1,450.94"
F 371-372 "THOMAS, R. Y." "HARTIS, John W." 23 May 1881 "Full settlement, $30.95"
F 372-373 "McCARLEY, Nannie, Mrs." "McCARLEY, Elizabeth, William, Nannie" "Land rent, grandfather's estate" 23 May 1881 "Lizzie due $175.13; William due $187.40, Nannie due $194.36"
F 373-374 "EPPERSON, L. B." "LEE, A. C. & Rebecca S." 23 May 1881 "Full settlement with A. C., $4.45; full settlement with Rebecca $25.67"
F 374-375 "RILEY, Cornelius" "CALHOUN, W. J." 23 May 1881 Due $791.43
F 375-376 "EWING, George W." "TOWNSEND, Claude Ewing" "EWING, Clay, dec'd" 23 May 1881 "Due $1,022.16"
F 376-378 "McCARLEY, Taylor" "McCARLEY, Elleanor, Mary, Julia" Land rent 23 May 1881 Eleanor due $83.57; Mary due $16.97; Julia due $104.61
F 378-379 "SMALL, James B." "BROWDER, J. S., Mattie G., Mary H., Minnie H., Sallie B., Richard C., Arthur C., W. W." 23 May 1881 "Due $1,210-.0"
F 379-380 "YOST, E. A." "TUTEN, J. W." 23 May 1881
F 380-381 "RUSH, E. A., Mrs." "RUSH, G. J." 23 May 1881 Due $392.42
F 381-382 "DAWSON, D. C." "DAWSON, Fannie" 23 May 1881 Due $334.45
F 382-383 "TOWNSEND, T. O" "SPENCER, Olive, colored" US pension 23 May 1881 "Due $1,298.16"
F 383 "JENKINS, Henry" "JENKINS, W. G., L. J., C. A., Charles A." 23 May 1881 Schooling mentioned; Due $106.09
F 384 "STEWART, J. W." "BROWNING, Charles D." "MARSHALL, George F., former guardian" 23 May 1881 Due $125.97
F 384-385 "NEWMAN, W. G." "NEWMAN, Adella" Rent 23 May 1881 Due $364.74
F 385-386 "PORTER, N. A." "SLOSS, Mary, Anna, Zue, Mortimer, Jane, Elden" 23 May 1881 "Due $3,970.06"
F 386-387 "WOOD, Sarah, Mrs." "WOOD, Sarah F., Miss" 23 May 1881
F 387-388 "CALDWELL, H. M." "MILLS, Victoria, Augusta, Gabrella, Joseph" "Sale of wheat, corn; farm rent" 23 May 1881
F 388 "BLAKEY, George T., statutory guardian" "DAUGHTRY, Dora B., Anna P., Merthy, Ray" KY Masonic Life Ins. 23 May 1881 "Due $1,557.78"
F 388-389 "CHANEY, J. S., statutory guardian" "HENDERSON, Joel C." Became guardian to get pension claim 23 May 1881
F 389 "COLEMAN, G. W., statutory guardian" "DOSS, Melissa J." Became guardian to consent to marriage 27 Jun 1881
F 389-391 "Ewing, Bettie, Mrs." "EWING, Mossie" Not listed 27 Jun 1881 "Due, $2,208.58; mentions tuition at Nazareth"
F 391-392 "W. W. W., SYDNOR" "SYDNOR, Leslie A." KY Masonic Life Ins; 27 Jun 1881 "Tuition Browder's Institute, fall 1880-$6.50; Tuition to E. LONGLEY Jr.; Due $212.40"
F 392-393 "W. W. W., SYDNOR" "SYDNOR, Robert A." KY Masonic Life Ins; 27 Jun 1881 "Tuition Browder's Institute, Due $212.12"
F 393-394 "ARNOLD, George F." "MILAM, J. W. & Nancy J." "MILAM, George W., former guardian, admr. MILAM, P. M." 27 Jun 1881 "Due $2,052,00"
F 394-395 "SIMMONS, W. S." "SIMMONS, Mary A." 27 Jun 1881 Due $915.45
F 395 "BOYD, John F." "BOYD, Ella & Joseph D." "ROUSE, Catharine, dec'd; ROUSE, J. S., admr." 27 Jun 1881 Due $202.45
F 396 "MARTIN, J. S., statutory guardian" "MARTIN, Alice" "MARTIN, O. S., dec'd; PRICE, F. M., admr." 27 Jun 1881 due $97.15
F 396-397 "BOYD, John F., statutory guardian" "BOYD, Ella & Joseph D." "ROUSE, Lewis, dec'd; ROUSE, Catharine, dec'd; land, household items" 27 Jun 1881
F 397-398 "BLEWITT, J. H." "BOYD, Florence" Rent on property 27 Jun 1881 "Due $1,986.98"
F 398-399 "ELY, Susan, Mrs." "ELY, Lennie, Miss" 27 Jun 1881
F 399 "GRUBBS, Martha D." "GRUBB, Duncan" 27 Jun 1881 Due $941.15; board at Cottage Home College
F 400 "GRUBBS, Martha D." "GRUBB, T. H." 25 July 1881 Due $960.59
F 400-401 "SIMMONS, T. H., statutory guardian" "COMBS, Minnie & Mattie" "90 acres in Robertson Co., TN, 28 acres, notes due" 25 July 1881
F 401-402 "BOWDEN, James H., statutory guardian" "STEVENSON, Eleanor" "STEVENSON, Camilla T., dec'd" 25 July 1881 "Due $8,224.26"
F 402 "MARTIN, J. S." "MARTIN, Sallie" "MARTIN, Solomon, dec'd; admr. PRICE, F. M." 25 July 1881 Due $107.90
F 403 "NEAL, Thomas G." "NEAL, Fannie, William, Susan, Minnie" "Land payment in Simpson Co., KY" 25 July 1881 Full settlement with Fannie; $112.13 due other three wards
F 403-405 "SYDNOR, T. B." "SMALL, J. B." "SYDNOR, D. E., former guardian; KY Masonic Life Ins., farm rent, MO bond, Todd Co. farm" 25 July 1881
F 405 "SYDNOR, T. B." "SYDNOR, E. W." 25 July 1881
F 406 "MOORE, Patsy, Mrs." "MOORE, J. W., Charles T., James W., Patsy J." 25 July 1881 Due $279.60
F 406-407 "KENNEDY, M. K., Mrs., statutory guardian" "KENNEDY, Florence, Blanche" "KENNEDY, B. N., dec'd, husband and father" 22 Aug 1881 "No assets but joint owner with mother for house, lot, store in Gordonsville"
F 407-408 "TOWNSEND, T. O." "BROWNING, Elbert" "Gallatin, TN property sold" 22 Aug 1881 Due $47.20
F 408 "BOWDEN, James H." "PARHAM, Sallie" 22 Aug 1881 Due $78.31
F 409 "PRICE, Sarah E., Mrs." "PRICE, Stirling" 22 Aug 1881 "Due $1,108.60"
F 409-411 "WAGGONER, Leslie" "TURNER, Lizzie" "Tuition to Cedar Bluff College, Hadensville Academy" 26 Sept 1881 "Due $3,646.07"
F 411-412 "JACKSON, J. B." "HILLAIRD, Hattie, now Mrs. ROBERTS" "DICKASON, B., Mrs., dec'd; DICKASON, W. T., admr." 26 Sept 1881
F 412 "YOUNG, C. T., statutory guardian" "IVEY, Charles & Joseph" "IVEY, Joseph M., dec'd, father; YOUNG, C. T., admr.; land rent" 26 Sept 1881
F 412-413 "WARDER, William, statutory guardian" "WARDER, Elzy" "COLES, dec'd, estate" 24 Oct 1881
F 413 "DIAL, Warren M." "YOUNG, William D., Hilda N., Rufus W., Fitula E." 24 Oct 1881 Tuition mentioned; due $304.80
F 414 "BLAKEY, C. H." "YOUNG, W. S. & Xury" "YOUNG, W. S., former guardian" 24 Oct 1881 W. S. due $279.30; Xury due $277.70
F 415-416 "SMITH, James S." "DUFFY, Thomas" "Springfield, TN land rent; Adairville house rent" 24 Oct 1881 "Full settlement, $442.81"
F 416-417 "BROWNING, C. R." "BROWNING, George, Almira, Edward E." 24 Oct 1881 "Each due $72.64; Almira now ELLIOT, W. F., Mrs."
F 417-418 "ORNDORFF, Aaron" "ORNDORFF, Eugene" 24 Oct 1881 "Full settlement, $529.58"
F 418-419 "HUTCHESON, J. T." "PRICE, Dora" "HUTCHESON, Clen; executor is HUTCHESON, S. J." 24 Oct 1881
F 419-421 "CALDWELL, H. S., Mrs." "CALDWELL, Andrew J., Joseph, John, Virginia" 24 Oct 1881 Andrew J. due $382.90; Joseph due $326.47; John due $290.82; Virginia due $356.47
F 421 "RICHARDSON, L. G." "DEMPSY, Dubartis A." "DEMPSY, M. C., estate" 24 Oct 1881 "Mentions DEMPSY, W. K., Annie, and D. A.; full settlement of $75.32"
F 421-423 "WILGUS, G. A." "MILAM, Jno. W., now deceased" "MILAM, P. M. and MILAM, Elizabeth, dec'd" 24 Oct 1881 "MILAM, G. W., admr. or exec. of both"
F 423-424 "BROWDER, W. R." "SYDNOR, Laura" KY Masonic Life Ins. 24 Oct 1881 "Due $255.67; tuition to BROWDER, H. W."
F 424 "CHANDLER, James T." "HUNDLEY, Samuel J., Georgie R., Thomas G." 24 Oct 1881
F 424-425 "HUNTER, Kate E., Mrs." "HUNTER, James A., Jacob P., Maggie A., Rebecca E., Lalie E., Johnnie K." KY Masonic Life Ins.; 1/6 of James A.'s share 24 Oct 1881 "Full settlement with James A. of $222.22; other wards share $1,111.10"
F 425-426 "CAMPBELL, P. S., statutory guardian" "MILES, Theophilus B." No assets but interest in his grandfather's landed estate 24 Oct 1881
F 426-427 "CHICK, Ambler R., trustee" "CHICK, Milton, dec'd, children" 24 Oct 1881 "Due $1,641.36"
F 427 "HUDSPUTH, G. H., committee" "BOWMAN, Robert, idiot" "HIGHTOWER, W. D., dormer committee" 28 Nov 1881 Due $42.85
F 428-429 "BROWDER, Thomas E. & G. R., executors" "WATERS, E. A., Mrs., dec'd (calls her Mary A. in closing paragraph)" 28 Nov 1881 $9.78 on hand
F 429-430 "GOOCH, S. C., administrator" "AKIN, James" 28 Nov 1881 $2.24 on hand
F 430 "GOOCH, S. C., administrator" "SCOGGINS, Zack" 28 Nov 1881 $13.75 on hand
F 430-431 "TRIMBLE, H. M., administrator" "ROUSE, L. B., dec'd" 28 Nov 1881 $169.18 on hand
F 432 "WILSON, John" "WILSON, Mary W., Maria W. E." Due $65.85
F 432-433 "WILSON, John" "TERRY, J. W."
F 433-434 "ROACH, John M." "KIMBROUGH, Lillian T., John R., Madiline W." "ANDREWS, W. G., dec'd, estate; KIMBROUGH sales" 28 Oct 1881 "Due $5,605.77"
F 434-435 "COX, Felix G., executor" "MURRAY, Mattie" "MURRAY, Thomas P., dec'd" 28 Nov 1881 "Due $1,094.24"
F 435 "COX, Felix G." "MURRAY, Mollie" "MURRAY, Thomas P., dec'd" 28 Nov 1881 "Due $1,125.75"
F 435-436 "COX, Felix G." "MURRAY, T. P. Jr." "MURRAY, Thomas P., dec'd" 28 Nov 1881 Due $991.16
F 436-437 "ROACH, John M., statutory guardian" "KIMBROUGH, Lillian T., John R., Madaline W." "ANDREWS, F. B., dec'd" 28 Nov 1881
F 437 "RICE, B. F." "BRADFORD, Larkin" Mississippi land 28 Nov 1881 Due $877.78
F 437-438 "CORNELIUS, Thomas G." "SAUNDERS, James T." "SAUNDERS, Benjamin T., father, deceased; pension" 26 Dec 1881 "$1,420.33 inventory"
F 438-439 "CORNELIUS, Thomas G., statutory guardian" "SAUNDERS, James T." "SAUNDERS, Benjamin T., father, deceased; pension" 26 Dec 1881 "$1,420.33 inventory"
F 439-440 "WILSON, R. G." "CHICK, Jennie, Ambler, Nannie" 26 Dec 1881 "Jennie due 42 cents; Ambler due $25.05, Nannie due $31.81"
F 440 "RIZER, James L., statutory guardian" "LEE, N. H., S. W., W. A., G. M." "National Mutual Benefit Assn., $393.20 each" 26 Dec 1881 "Penn Insurance Co., $70.00 each"
F 440-441 "HUNT, George W., admr. THOMAS, Sarah Ann, former guardian" "THOMAS, Nancy E." "Pension; heir of THOMAS, William, dec'd," 26 Dec 1881
F 441 "HUNT, G. W., statutory guardian" "THOMAS, Mary Francis" Pension 28 Nov 1881 Due $798.87
F 441-442 "HUNT, George W." "THOMAS, Mary Francis" Pension 28 Nov 1881 Due $514.32
F 442-443 "RICHARDSON, S. W." "DEMPSY, Mary S., now PRICE, RICHARDSON, Lewis B., formerly Dempsey" 26 Dec 1881 Full settlement $110.52
F 443 "CORNELLIUS, W. M." "SEARS, William" Land rent 26 Dec 1881 Due $8.26
F 444 "BARTON, Providence M." "BARTON, Margaret M., now GIBBS" 26 Dec 1881 "Full settlement, $420.02"
F 444-445 "HUGHS, Smith" "WILLIAMS, Lenora W." "Farm rent; personal property; DICKERSON, C. B., dec'd" 23 January 1882 "DICKERSON, C. B., dec'd; admr. PRICE, W. F."
F 445-446 "CALDWELL, H. M." "MILLS, Victoria now DIXON, Gabrella, Augusta, Joseph" "MILLS, Jno. S., dec'd, former guardian; Jno. T. YOUNG, admr." 23 January 1882 Victoria DIXON full settlement of $120.28; Gabrella full $75.75; Augusta & Joseph due $160.91
F 446-448 "SMITH, James S." "MASON, Daniel" "Sale 455 rails, corn; farm rent" 27 Feb 1882 Due guardian $84.484
F 448-449 "HALL, John C." "SHERILL, Thomas, Dolly, Charles" 27 Feb 1882 Thomas full settlement 475.62; Dolly & Charles due $135.05
F 449 "HUGHES, Smith" "WILLIAMS, Lenora W." "DICKERSON, W. T., present guardian" 27 Feb 1882 "Due $2,276.83"
F 450 "DICKERSON, W. T., statutory guardian" "WILLIAMS, Lenora W." "Notes, personal property" 27 Feb 1882 "HUGHES, Smith, former guardian"
F 450